The Big Picture

Josh begins his astronomy lesson by telling the kids about the universe. He explains that everything in the universe is made up of tiny particles called atoms. Everything in the universe has a name and a purpose. Josh also tells the kids about planets and stars. He explains that planets are like small pieces of Earth and that stars are like big, bright lights in the sky.

Josh and Victor discuss Victor’s recent changes in behavior and how they’re impacting his health. Josh shares his own experiences with COVID and how it has affected him. They also talk about the importance of wearing a face mask when working or playing outside.

Josh and his date end up not being a good fit. Josh is judgmental and doesn’t seem to really care about her.

The conversation turns to their parents and how their “thing” was heading over to the US. It takes a while but Josh eventually warms to the girl and speaks passionately about the kids he teaches. This is the spark. This is the moment that the pair finally connect.

Josh and Emily continue to talk over Zoom, even getting into bed and discussing the formulaic nature and awkwardness of first dates. The pair fall asleep, with Emily waking Josh up with a text about talking over breakfast.

Josh leaves a voicemail for Emily apologizing and admitting that he likes her. Josh’s conversation with Emily comes to an abrupt end after he realizes that he can’t finish things. Josh is constantly negative and has a short fuse, so his conversation with Emily was not what he wanted it to be.

Josh’s music career has been on the rise again, and he’s begun to record various different sounds in order to try and be better with his family and reconnect. In this montage, we see a few clips of Emily, who seems to have been a positive force in helping him open up. As the episode ends, we can see that Josh has finally breathed deep and is ready to start anew.

The finale of “The Josh Project” left many questions unanswered, but one thing is for sure: Josh has finally realized the error of his ways and is now living life to the fullest. However, it seems he may have been too busy being infatuated with Emily to take care of himself. Will he return to self-loathing again?

We’ve seen those parallel worlds show Josh as judgmental and self-loathing in every single reality so what’s to stop him from returning to that same vibe here too? The final shot does seem to hint that he’s ready to start living his own life but we’re left with a pretty open interpretation of this.

The Episode Review

But despite all of the problems, we’re still invested in the characters and their story. We’ll be looking forward to what Mr Corman has in store for us next.

The show struggles to be funny and it’s not a comedy. There’s also not enough drama in this to make it a dramatic romp either. Instead, it occupies that weird, lukewarm area between the two. ..

Josh’s character is relatable for his failed dreams, but his self-loathing and judgmental attitude make him a tough sell. He has not shown any growth across the season, and a last minute 180 turn is not going to be enough to convince this reviewer that he has actually changed for the better. ..

In the end, Mr Corman’s show has not been very good. It’s been a slog through a river of tar and syrup, and the end result is not worth the trouble.