Fighting On Two Fronts

In Episode 5 of the Money Heist: Korea series, Inspector Woojin is fighting a battle on two fronts. The first involves the Mint and the other with her personal life. ..

The partner of Kim Sangman, who is running for President, happens to be in a very powerful position. Whilst trying to gain custody of his child, he also spins the story to reporters that Woojin lied in court.

Woojin’s mother is sick and in need of help. He’s getting old now and has had to bear all of this, struggling to hold the weight of the world on his shoulders.

Captain Cha learns that Park Chulwoo, the mole inside the Mint, has sent a coded message confirming that he is inside. The thing is, Cha’s superiors believe that Woojin is actually a traitor, wanting him to keep this a secret from her and pressing forward with Chulwoo finishing this operation quickly. ..

The authorities can’t just oust Woojin or confront her as that could compromise their whole operation. It’s a nice twist to the story, something that definitely continues the thread of North and South Korean hostility in the context of this remake. ..

Nairobi decides to take a slightly different tact this time compared to Berlin. She admits to them all she doesn’t want to hurt anyone and intends to build a cooperative relationship with them all.

After resting for a few hours, they plan to resume work. With Tokyo now the leader, our dear old Mint Director watches this and tries to find an advantage. ..

Woojin and Cha are still at odds. The latter believes that his colleague is in collusion with the attackers and is not helping that she refuses to bring up Anne. The Chief is annoyed but Woojin explains her actions, pointing out that they need to be careful. They’ve already had two plans fail already, there’s no point in making it a third.

Woojin figures out that the Professor is actually outside the Mint, not inside, given he told her he’s eating a sandwich for lunch. She also suspects that he’s nearby, watching them. Although they can’t abandon everything, Woojin uses a handful of officers to track down the Professor and his car.

Inside the Mint, our rogue officer finds Misun and asks her about the Professor. She admits that she’s heard of him but doesn’t know much else other than that. ..

Misun and Chulwoo are having an argument about something minor when a police officer shows up to check things out. Misun insists that Chulwoo is a police officer, to which Chulwoo eventually admits he is. The officer leaves, and Misun and Chulwoo continue their argument.

Chulwoo’s plan here is to kill the Professor and then start another operation to get everyone out when things turn chaotic. In order to find out who this is, Youngmin decides they should bring “the dumb one” (Denver) in and beat him into submission. Misun is not so sure this is a good idea, given he saved her life.

Denver is taken to a storage room in Tokyo and knocked out. Chulwoo and Youngmin demand to know where the Professor is, but he refuses to play ball. Instead, the Mint Director comes to the conclusion that it’s actually Tokyo who’s pulling the strings and in charge.

Cha begins the next phase of his operation by setting off the alarms at the Mint. Everyone outside gets into position, and this is the signal that they plan to launch an offensive inside the Mint and take the place by storm.

Woojin, the others, and the police all race to the scrapyard in search of the Professor’s car. The Professor arrives first and drives the car out onto the roads. ..

Meanwhile, Rio heads off to check on Berlin, who manages to choke him out and leave him unconscious. In the process, he breaks free from his binds. ..

Misun finds Denver being tortured by Youngmin and immediately knocks out the Director. The pair scramble to find Tokyo, who’s organizing traffic with the rest of the hostages. As she tasks all the hostages to be moved to the main atrium, they’re also going to stop printing money for the time being.

Tokyo’s hunt for the right man turns into a race against time as Chulwoo closes in on her. Denver races to find a way to save her before it’s too late.

Cha is called to the scene of a shooting outside the Mint. He tells his superior that the Professor is outside and there appears to be a gunshot.

The Episode Review

The penultimate episode to this first part of “La Casa De Papel” really starts to tighten the screw and show some different elements to this Korean version of the show. ..

The various character ties are interesting and unique, whilst the infiltration from Chulwoo, coupled with the elements outside the Mint, add a slightly different flavor to proceedings. The core ingredients are still the same though, for the most part, and one would deduce that Berlin is going to take back control going forward – especially if the beats of the original are being followed. ..

Regardless of the outcome, Money Heist: Korea was a fun watch and the ending hints at more drama in the final part. ..

Despite the mixed reviews for its predecessor, Season 6 of “The Crown” is set to be even better.