2019 has been a year of missed opportunities. Motherless Brooklyn and Glass were both critically acclaimed but failed to achieve commercial success. ..

Willis has starred in a number of low-grade direct-to-streaming efforts in the years since his health-enforced retirement, including Midnight In The Switchgrass which is one of the many low-grade direct-to-streaming efforts that the actor has starred in, presumably to make enough money to keep his family afloat following his health-enforced retirement.

Karl Helter, an ageing FBI agent, is barely in the movie despite his face being prominently displayed on the movie’s poster. ..

He shares a few scenes with Megan Fox who stars as his crime-fighting partner Rebecca Lombardi, but he soon takes a backseat to the action that takes place when she starts to spend more time with Emilie Hirsch’s police officer Bryon Crawford, who is the real star of this substandard crime flick.

Despite his health condition causing his cognitive decline, Willis does not deliver a great performance in this movie. ..

Fox and Hirsch turn in better performances in spite of the script not giving them a lot to work with. The film centers around a serial killer (Lukas Hass) who hangs around roadside motels and truck stops in search of his prey, and follows Rebecca and Bryan as they team up to investigate the murders that this seemingly respectable family man has been committing. ..

The mystery of the killer in this movie is weak and uninteresting. If you’re looking for a well-done thriller, you’ll be better off looking elsewhere.

The film starts off promisingly enough with a strong opening scene that sets the tone for the rest of the movie. Unfortunately, this is quickly followed by a number of uninspired scenes that make it difficult to invest in the characters or the story. The only saving grace is Emmett’s ability to create some suspenseful moments, but these are few and far between.

This is a thriller that falls far short of the classics it references, although you would have expected that given the name of the writer. The credits list Willis no longer as a measure of quality, as I have already suggested, and Megan Fox is no longer among the stars.

This thriller is another forgettable effort that is indistinguishable from many of the other cheaply made thrillers that can be found on our streaming services, and beyond the Florida setting and an admirably decent performance from Haas as the creepy killer, there is very little to recommend it.

If you want to watch this movie, it is currently streaming on Netflix in the UK and can be bought or rented from all of the usual VOD services online. However, if you’re looking for something decent to watch starring the actor, then it might be better to check out our list of Bruce Willis’s best movies.

Midnight In The Switchgrass is a movie that’s not bad, but it’s not the best either. That honor goes to Cosmic Sin, which is much better.

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