All That You Gather

Nanachi and Belaf stare out into the distance as they hear sounds of destruction and rumble in the distance. Belaf informs Nanachi that Faputa has entered the village and is causing the commotion. This causes Nanachi to recall memories concerning the Cradle of Desire and Faputa’s birth.

Belaf tells Nanachi that he allowed her to peer into his memories through some mystical smells he had created. Belaf tells her that he must go. He entrusts his memories and value to her. The reason is because he adores Riko, Reg, and Nanachi for not turning out like himself–emotionally. He informs Nanachi that she should leave and be with her friends. He decides to release his grasp over her, freeing Nanachi. ..

Nanachi hesitates, but quickly decides to follow through with his wishes. Belaf points her toward a boundary line. He warns Nanachi that if she crosses it, Mitty will disappear. Nanachi grows concern and glances at Mitty. She turns to Belaf and asks him why Mitty disappear if she’s immortal now. Belaf tells Nanachi that since this version of Mitty was created in Iruburu, she can only exist within its territory.

He argues that since he was created as the village’s limbs, he can endure a little pain after he leaves. However, he says that going past the boundary point is where Iruburu’s protection melts away. He feels this area won’t hold out much longer anyway.

Nanachi looks out the window and sees that the force field is slowly creeping in. She is worried about how her family will be able to leave if the field gets too big. Belaf promises her that he will do his best to protect her when they depart. At the same time, Belaf lets her know that his other values have taken a liking to Nanachi.

Nanachi is conflicted on what to do. She values Reg and Riko’s friendship, but doesn’t want to let Mitty go. She never thought she would see her again, and doesn’t want to lose her a second time. Mitty comforted Nanachi, who thought she could be together with her friend forever. Nanachi makes the difficult decision to let Mitty go. Nanachi grabs Mitty, thanks Belaf, and heads toward the end of the barrier. Unlike last time, Nanachi wants to be the one to send Mitty off.

Nanachi approaches the barrier, recalling all she’s learned and gained since they last met. Mitty fades away as Nanachi continues crying.

Nanachi is approached by her Hollow companions, who hand her a gift. The gift is a new headpiece made from material from the area. The companions promise that the headpiece won’t disintegrate or fade away. Belaf approaches Nanachi, but unlike his companions he’s fading away at a slower pace. ..

Meanwhile, Reg wakes up after passing out due to his incinerator. Riko notices and rushes toward him. She informs Reg that Gaburoon (Faputa’s Interference Unit companion) has protected them while he was asleep. Reg turns to Gaburoon and thanks him. ..

Reg’s actions have caused this situation to happen. Many Hollows have fallen as a result of her actions.

As Faputa tears through the Hollows, some try to fight back. Unfortunately, Faputa’s strength, speed, and abilities are too much for these Hollows. They join the ranks of their fallen comrades and become part of the Iruburu balancing monsters. The Iruburu balancing monsters side with Faputa and begin attacking the Hollows. These monsters also start destroying nearby buildings and walls.

We transition to Vueko and Wazukyan briefly. He still has a grasp on Vueko. Wazukyan fears they only have about thirty minutes left. He alludes to some plan becoming more challenging to execute. Vueko asks him what he’s planning to do, but Wazukyan tells her that he can’t tell her. We focus our attention back on Riko and Reg. Riko recounts the fond bonds she made with most of these Hollows, and worries that they all suffer Faputa’s wrath. Reg comforts Riko and tells her she has done all she can do.

Reg decides to support Riko and heads toward Faputa. Once Reg is within eye distance of Faputa, he calls out to her. He asks Faputa to stop murdering the Hollows and destroying the village because Nanachi’s still being held captive in the village.

Reg tells Faputa that he won’t interfere in his plan to save Nanachi, but he will not stop his carnage, and doesn’t appreciate using his friend as an excuse for his to stop. Reg doesn’t like how Faputa is trying to hide the truth from her, so she doesn’t feel hurt. Reg wants Faputa to speak clearly about what he truly wants.

Reg apologizes for acting selfishly and tells Faputa that he plans to stop her and save Nanachi. Meanwhile, a Hollow tries sneaking attacking Faputa. Faputa retaliates by grabbing the Hollow by its neck. Reg uses his arms extension feature to grab Faputa’s arm, relinquishing her hold of the Hollow’s neck. This makes Faputa realize that Reg’s serious about stopping her. She tells Reg that she will make him remember what he was set to do, even if it means beating that memory back into him. ..

Reg walks into the scene, and we see Faputa rushing toward him with a tear in her eye. The anime uses Faputa tear-drop to transition into a flashback involving Reg. This flashback depicts Reg’s first encounter with Faputa, back when he had his memories and knew where he came from. Before Reg walks into the picture, we see Faputa crying over Gaburoon’s injuries he sustained from a Turbinid-Dragon.

Reg stumbled upon Faputa and Gaburoon. He tried talking to her, but she didn’t understand the language he was using. Reg tried to examine Gaburoon’s situation, but Faputa attacked Reg. She didn’t know his plans and immediately used her teeth to remove Reg’s helmet. This moment led to a smooth transition into the present, where Faputa and Reg are fighting. ..

Reg and Faputa first met when Reg was looking for Gaburoon. Faputa thought his helmet resembled that of Gaburoon, leading Reg to assume that he was one of his allies. Despite not understanding his language, Faputa valued his attempt to protect her until Gaburoon’s wounds healed.

Meanwhile, the balancing monsters start swarming around Faputa, who asks Reg how he managed to forget everything about their history together. The balancing creatures enter Faputa’s mouth, healing her gums and teeth. Reg stares at Faputa in worry. He fears this fight will never end because the balancing monsters will heal Faputa’s wounds.

Reg was startled when he saw Faputa disappear. He wondered where she went and why she stopped following him. Faputa reappeared behind Reg and noted that she couldn’t hurt Reg from the outside because of his defensive body. She then tried stuffing one of her arms down his throat, hoping to defeat him from the inside. At the same time, a Hollow tried attacking Faputa in hopes of assisting Reg. Faputa noticed the Hollow and threw Reg at them. She headed toward Reg and the Hollow. ..

Reg is in disbelief that Faputa chose to save the Hollow from falling. He’s shown coughing out and throwing up some mucus. Faputa asks Reg if he remembers anything yet. Reg ignores her question. He yells at Faputa to never perform that stunt again as it’s not graceful or anything a princess would do. As Faputa sighs, she argues that she is acting gracefully and using the graceful vocabulary Reg taught her. Reg questions Faputa, stating that he would never tell her to speak in a strange way.

In the flashback, we see Reg speaking with Faputa and Gaburoon. Gaburoon comments that Reg’s language sounds like the language spoken by delvers who carry “stone people.” Faputa agrees, saying that it sounds like the language of delvers who have found something special. ..

The stone people are a group of people who live in the woods and use their whistles to communicate. Faputa states that Reg doesn’t feel as threatening as they do, and Reg introduces himself as Gaburoon explains the meaning behind Faputa’s name. It stands for “the princess who won’t perish.” Reg acknowledges Faputa’s stellar wit for picking up on a new language, and Faputa, full of glee, thanks him.

Faputa starts harassing Reg a bit in a playful manner. He tells her to act more graceful. Gaburoon informs Faputa that adding the word “sosu” after every sentence will make her appear graceful. Faputa prances around saying “sosu” after Gaburoon’s praises her. Reg offers Faputa his goggles as a gift. He feels wearing them would make her feel and look more like a princess. Faputa takes Reg’s gesture as a form of friendship, and the two bond.

Reg uses his white-knight like power-up to defeat Faputa. The fight between the two is intense, with Reg using all of his strength to win. However, Faputa seems to be holding back, and Reg begins to fear that he may not remember anything about him and Faputa’s past friendship. Riko blows her new whistle (made from Bondrewd’s adoptive daughter Prushka), allowing Reg to activate his white-knight like power-up. This allows him to win the fight and save Iruburu from collapsing. ..

Faputa’s startled by Reg’s transformation. With his enhance speed and strength, Reg rushes toward Faputa and somehow get hers entangled by his arm. He grabs ahold of Faputa, planning to drag her outside of Iruburu’s boundaries. Faputa’s infuriated and curses at Riko for using Prushka against her. Faputa manages to break free from Reg’s grasp, and heads toward Reg in a skater-like fashion. She attacks Reg, but he manages to deflect her attack.

Gaburoon stole Prushka from Faputa because she felt too confined inside the original stone. Faputa wanted to test Riko’s bond with Prushka to see if it was authentic, and also wanted to bring Reg to Iruburu so she could trigger his memories. ..

In the flashback, we see Reg and Gaburoon fighting together. Reg is able to use her magic to create a shield that protects her and Gaburoon from the rain. However, as the rain falls, the shield is destroyed and both Reg and Gaburoon are hit by the iron rain. They fall to the ground, dead.

Our trio is outside of Iruburu’s boundaries as mild iron rain starts falling around her. Faputa refers to Iruburu as her mother (Irumyuui/Iruburu village), and Reg’s curious why she’s not bothered by the rain. Reg notices that Irumyuui has the same symbol that Gaburoon has.

Faputa tells Reg that she has three haku marks because she was born from three wish-eggs. ..

Reg asks Faputa why she wants to destroy Iruburu if it’s one of the most precious things to her. Faputa argues that as long as her mother is alive, she will continue to be eaten away at. By exterminating the people inside her, she believes her mother can be put to rest.

Reg is told by Faputa that she cannot visit the village because of the mystical barrier protecting it. Gaburoon tells Reg that Faputa knows of society and infrastructure established in Iruburu. He also says that he enters Iruburu in her stead. However, he confirms that Faputa wants to destroy it because it feels like she was born to do so.

Faputa asks Reg to reconfirm to her that he has the power to rewrite the rules of the abyss. Reg states that he can release a powerful beam from his hand that has the rewrite power. He tells her that he cannot utilize this power right now, as he fears what will happen to him if he uses it.

Reg is journeying through the upper layers of the abyss to find his own haku. He tells Faputa that he’s fulfilling a favor for an unknown entity and promises to come back, with his haku, and help Faputa figure things out regarding her mother. Faputa hugs Reg in glee. ..

“Before she departs, Faputa takes him to her miniature cave-like home. Faputa makes a little doll of Reg, so that she will have someone to talk to while he is gone. She doesn’t want to forget about him. Reg and Faputa head outside. Faputa tells Reg that since she is a princess, she hopes he will return and stay with her forever.”

Reg tells Faputa that he will take her on a journey together once they have settled her fate. Faputa smiles and is optimistic about their future. We see a brief montage of how long it’s been since this exchange. Due to her long-term loneliness and disappointment, Faputa cries. ..

As a tear falls from Faputa’s face, we slowly transition to the fight between her and Reg in the present. One of Reg’s tears lands on Faputa’s face. Reg pinned Faputa down, as both characters have tears flowing from their eyes. Reg admits that as they exchange more blows, he’s starting to remember the fun and sad times he had with Faputa in the past.

He’s upset that he can’t remember any of the important details, though. He warns Faputa that if she keeps treading down this bloodlust path, she will keep burning herself until nothing’s left. He pleads with Faputa to stop what she’s doing, as he argues he can’t think of a way to stop her.

Faputa admits that Reg’s a kind person but foolish person. As he was lecturing Faputa, his white-knight form had vanished. Faputa utilized this opportunity to gain the upper-hand on Reg. The episode concludes with her violently slamming Reg to the ground as the scene fades to black.

The Episode Review

This week’s episode of Made in Abyss pulled out all the stops to create an impactful and emotional work of art. This episode had me hooked from its start to its conclusion. The story was well-paced, with exciting action and heart-wrenching moments that left me feeling deeply connected to the characters. The visuals were stunning, and the soundtrack was perfect for setting the mood. This was a truly outstanding episode, and I can’t wait to see what comes next. ..

Episode 10 of “Nanachi” features a neat narrative transition, touching developments for Nanachi, Reg, and Faputa, and gorgeously brutal action scenes. With a hint of mystery thrown in the mix, episode ten is the best yet this season.

Nanachi’s decision to let Mitty go is a great example of her character’s growth. It shows how much she values her bond with Reg and Riko and how much she cares for them. The voice actress did a great job at portraying Nanachi’s heartache and sorrow during this scene.

Belaf’s decision to let Nanachi go didn’t come off as a surprise to me. It felt right for his character to relinquish his hold over Nanachi as the flashback from episode 8 shows how much of a caring person he is deep inside. Unfortunately, I still find Belaf’s 3D design off-putting and janky in areas. However, his computer-generated model doesn’t hamper the immersion too much. ..

I was surprised by the art and animation during Faputa’s rampage. It didn’t seem like he was going to attack the villagers in a fierce way like I thought he would.

Faputa’s favorite video game franchise is likely Doom or Mortal Kombat, and with the crazy and intense manoeuvres she pulls off, it would be unwise to doubt her power. ..

Episode 10 of “The Walking Dead” features some of the most action-packed combat I’ve ever seen on television. The fight between Faputa and Reg is fluid and exciting to watch, with both characters moving across the screen with great animation. The call to destroy those who wronged her family makes sense after seeing what the villagers did to her mother and siblings.

Although Reg abandoned Faputa for a while, an accident led him to forgetting about her and their promise. These few scenarios alone gave their fight more meaning and weight, which I appreciate. ..

With that said, the fight between Reg and Faputa has brought up a lot of questions about Reg’s true origins. We know that not all Interference Units are the same in design and ability. If that were the case, then Gaburoon could’ve asked Faputa to make an entryway into Iruburu for her instead of counting on Reg. ..

It’s curious to think about who or what created Reg, how they granted him his “rewrite” incinerator power, and for what purpose - good or evil? Unfortunately, this is a question that I have a feeling won’t be addressed until we reach the abyss’s seventh layer, but I can’t help but be curious. ..

This was Made In Abyss’s best episode between its two seasons, possibly surpassing the events featured in the Dawn of the Deep Soul sequel film. It featured everything I’d come to expect out of the series involving heartbreaking and brutal scenery but amplifying it a million times.

The final two chapters of this book are sure to be as stunning as the first. I’m not sure how they will compare to the brilliance of the writing and visuals in the first, but I’m excited for what lies ahead!