Alice starts having a panic attack. She throws the phone and breaks it. “He wants to track us!” She yells. “Byron Gogol wants to control you!”

At the Hub, Byron gives Hazel an old phone, explaining that it’s a recording device of her mother. His engineers used ten years of recorded calls from when her mom worked as a customer service representative at CAL Premium to predict real-time responses. Now Hazel can speak with her mother again.

Hazel then talks with the recording of her mom, sobbing through their conversation. But when the recording ends by asking for her to answer a few survey questions, Hazel hangs up, the illusion broken.

Byron orders Dr. Hau (Other Hazel) to delete the copy of Hazel’s consciousness in the cloud. He says he doesn’t want to compromise Hazel’s growing trust of him. She has him log himself in so she can make the deletion. As he does so, she druges him with a syringe.

Other Byron wakes up in a body that is not his own. He and Other Hazel revel in being able to touch each other, but she wants to wait until she’s in her real body for them to go any further.

Herb picks up the phone in Hazel’s room to hear his late wife’s voice. He’s surprised to hear her voice and decides to help Other Hazel knock out the real Hazel. While Other Hazel leaves to get a gurney, Herb stays behind to help. ..

Fiffany shows Herringbone the picture of her and her child. She says she doesn’t have a kid. The picture is of her twin sister, Bessica, and the child she had with Fiffany’s husband, Ignacio.

Fiffany tells Herringbone that the rain in the pasture cube is meant to trigger her. It reminds her of the night her sister and husband betrayed her.

With the FBI at Byron’s house, she can’t get any closer. But she can track down her ex-wife.

Judiff found Alice at a mental hospital. She tried to ask where the Hub was, but Alice said she couldn’t help. ..

When Other Hazel wakes up in her new body, she and Other Byron enjoy their new life together. The episode ends with Other Hazel and Herb watching a movie together. Inside of Other Hazel’s eyes, Hazel can be seen screaming silently. ..

The Episode Review

Made for Love has a habit of bringing plot points back up briefly–as if to say they haven’t been forgotten–only to drop them immediately. Often, it’s a shot of Fiffany and Herringbone running in the pasture cube to remind us that they still exist. ..

In this episode, we get a glimpse of Zelda and Jay as a reminder of their plan to swim through the tunnels. The scene’s sole purpose is to show us that they are still working on their plan.

The show’s main problem is that it doesn’t really have a strong plot point to work with. It spends most of its time building up new drama, but never really delivers on it. Additionally, Alice’s presence is a bit of a distraction, since she doesn’t really do anything interesting or consequential.

Herb’s body is taken over and he doesn’t know what to do. He’s hopeful that Hazel will be the one to piece things together and start to make amends for how she tricked him.