Since Herb caught sight of Bennett, he no longer trusts Hazel. When she holds out his medicine for him to take, he pretends to swallow it.

Meanwhile, Herringbone and Tiffany continue to suffer in the pasture cube. Tiffany remembers her marriage to Ignacio. She tells Herringbone they have to find a way out. Later, a piano appears. ..

Herringbone’s ex-wife left him a letter on the piano, explaining why she left. He read the book and still couldn’t find an answer. ..

Herringbone asks Tiffany what her trigger is. She says she hasn’t seen hers. ..

At the Hub, Keefus works with Zelda but has no luck communicating with her until Jay gives it a shot. The dolphin immediately begins speaking to the FBI agent. Jay, who is working at the Hub, tries to communicate with Zelda and gets help from Keefus. ..

Byron tells Hazel about the congressional hearing coming up, where he will give a speech about his project: to upload individual consciousness to preserve someone forever. Hazel isn’t charmed by the idea. She says they’d still be in a computer. You couldn’t hug or smell them.

When Byron leaves, she goes to her laptop to search for “Oz Winter,” one of the people the FBI is looking for. No file comes up for the name.

Keefus tells the group that Zelda is talking and that they should rush to her side. Hazel and Byron rush to Zelda’s side, only to find out that she is in fact talking to Keefus. They are then able to understand what she is saying.

Herb sees the medical team coming for him and fakes passing out. When they put him in the medical center, he gets up, and Bennet screams. He tells them he’s in the Hub, that they’re curing his cancer all because of Hazel.

Herb and Hazel explore the Hub, learning about different aspects of life. When a work issue arises, Bennet leaves Herb in a beach simulation to avoid any potential conflict.

Hazel and Bennett come to Byron with disturbing video footage of Judiff yelling on the news that Hazel has been kidnapped and trapped in a secret Hub. They show it to Hazel, who wants to see it for herself.

Hazel tells Byron that she is going to D.C. with him to attend a congressional hearing. She suggests that they go together so that people won’t think she is kidnapped if they see her.

Byron goes to see Herb at the beach, telling him that he’s learned about Herb’s situation and that it would be best if he didn’t tell Hazel. Byron promises not to try to control Hazel anymore and just wants a second chance. Herb agrees, but will inform Hazel if he senses any danger. ..

Hazel tells Herb she’s going camping with Bangles to cover for her D.C. trip. Herb tries to convince her to stay. Herb says he wants them to have more openness in their relationship, that she never talks to him anymore.

Hazel tries to turn this accusation back on him. She says she used to talk to him after her mother died, when he was passed out drunk. He says she acts like the biggest victim in the world, and she storms out.

Later, she meets Jay on the rooftop cube. He tells her how to get in contact with the FBI. Whatever happens, Hazel insists that her dad needs to finish his treatment, and they need to get Zelda out of there. “What about you?” Jay asks. “What would make you okay?” But she doesn’t know. ..

Hazel asks if he remembers their date on the outside. She says that was one of the few moments she remembers feeling okay. She leans in, and they kiss, which leads to sex on the rooftop.

Hazel remembers Jay’s advice on how to deal with Byron. He said the best way to distract someone is to make them believe they’re about to get what they want.

She climbs into bed with Byron that night, saying she thought she’d sleep there since they’re leaving so early in the morning.

The Episode Review

The episode starts out slowly, with Made for Love building up to its climactic action. There are several small story threads that are set up, but these moments feel anticlimactic and without purpose. For example, Fiffany and Herringbone’s situation in the pasture cube; Herb’s knowledge of his surroundings.

In this episode, the big reveal is that Judiff is trying to get Hazel out of the Hub. But it turns out that Hazel’s response to Judiff’s efforts is what opens up the story for some exciting drama outside of the Hub.

Washington is a big place. Hazel has a lot of plans for it. She’s going to contact the FBI, she’s going to con Byron into thinking she loves him, and she’s also going to make sure that her new love is happy.