
The group of survivors are quickly discovering that they’re not the only ones on this planet. There are strange, big creatures living here, and they’re not happy about it. The creatures have been terrorizing the people of this planet for years, and they’re not going to stop until they’ve killed all of the survivors.

Anyway, on the ship there are bigger problems. Maureen is sitting on a landmine, with her seat’s ejector engaged and looking set to go off at any moment. Maureen encourages Judy though, talking her through what to do. However, that’s easier said than done when a large worm has half the ship in its mouth! ..

In this episode, we see more of Maureen’s history. We learn that she used to want to be an astronaut, but she decided not to give up Judy to pursue this dream. Family comes first, but that doesn’t stop her from wanting to venture out into the stars.

Don walks right into a bog, with some pretty devastating results. Debbie the chicken wanders off, prompting Don to give chase. Unfortunately he walks right into one of SAR’s robots. It scans Don before smacking him down and knocking the guy out.

robot is found on the ship. However, the craft is completely abandoned. Robot also has a large piece of metal straight through its chest, so it’s certainly not going anywhere! The pair try to free him but one of those worms (a mini one this time) squirms through the wires and manages to get the ship working again. Unfortunately that also means SAR and his goons can find Will and the others.

Judy and Maureen work together to try and escape their predicament. Judy deduces that the worm’s saliva has a high concentration of hydroquinone, which can induce vomiting if mixed with hydrogen peroxide. To get themselves free, they use the chair’s ejector and a nearby chest to break free from the worm and scramble to safety. ..

After saving Robot, Penny and John catch up with Smith and Will. The pair set out to try and find the others, including Don who awakens groggy but still alive.

The Episode Review

Judy and Maureen’s relationship is the focus of this episode. After learning about Maureen wanting to be an astronaut, there are some touching flashbacks between the pair. Will and Penny’s stories are essentially here to help increase the tension and action, but it’s Maureen and Judy who make this episode so enjoyable.

The Lost In Space chapter has a fair amount of threats for the family to deal with. SAR is closing in on the family now, although the world’s threats are the dish of the day.

It’s also lucky these guys keep landing on planets with breathable oxygen, but then again that seems to be a running gag throughout the whole show by this point!