Nothing Left Behind

In episode 4 of Lost In Space Season 3, Grant and Judy discuss their close call with the asteroid last episode. They are all set to reach Alpha Centauri, but something goes wrong and they are forced to abort their mission.

In the cargo hold of the ship, Robot starts to glow and flash. Unfortunately, SAR manages to connect to him, trying to find Will’s location. In fact, with a holographic map out, Robot utters a “danger, family,” before SAR destroys Scarecrow completely. He’s gone, killed by SAR, as Maureen and John’s location has been compromised.

John and Maureen set out to destroy any evidence of where the kids may be. Their lives depend on this. The adults scramble around the ship, destroying everything they can that could hint at Alpha Centauri.

The kids are all gathered around the table, eagerly sharing their coordinates with one another. They’ve all heard about the Alpha Centauri mission and all of them want to go back to their parents. But they don’t want to jeopardize the mission in order to do so. In a show of hands, everyone agrees that they will not go back and bring their parents back if they can help it.

Despite the votes, Judy’s choice will ultimately determine the fate of the kids. Will has a plan that may help them, but just like that, they arrive at the coordinates for Jupiter 2 - only to find SAR and his robots there. It turns out they were actually on Grant’s ship - the Fortuna - all along. ..

With the kids and adults reconvening together, Maureen realizes Grant Kelly is alive and with them. She’s understandably shocked but right now, there are bigger things at work here. SAR is closing in on them and after waking up Smith, intending to use her as a decoy, Will’s plan goes completely awry. SAR closes in on Jupiter 2. As they begin their jump to Alpha Centauri, the Robinson’s realize they can’t give up the location to Alpha Centauri. In order to get around that, they jump to a random location, SAR’s ship hot on their tail.

Penny and the rest of the crew make it to Alpha Centauri, but for the Robinson family, they have no choice but to abandon ship. Just as they do, spiraling out of control, Penny, Judy and Maureen find their ejectors jammed. Uh oh! ..

The Episode Review

Space has never been so dangerous. This week’s Lost in Space episode, “The Return,” was shorter than usual, but it didn’t lack excitement. The focus of the episode was on the lengths SAR (Search and Rescue) will go to catch Will Robinson, who has been missing for weeks. The team is divided into two groups: one that is using a space shuttle to search for Robinson in space, and another that is using a submarine to search underwater. Despite their best efforts, both groups are unsuccessful in finding him. This episode showed how important it is for SAR teams to work together and use all of their resources to find someone who is lost or stranded. ..

The Robinson family has been stranded on a planet for weeks and the kids have been trying to come up with a plan to save themselves. This episode has been full of themes of family and togetherness, and it seems like the kids are going to vote on this again in the next episode. This is a well- woven theme throughout the season and it’s something that’s being used nicely in this episode.

The final season of “Game of Thrones” promises to be a dramatic one, with many unanswered questions left at the end. ..