The New Guy

The Robinson’s are met with a horde of robots as they approach an abandoned ship. John is cautious of Scarecrow’s allegiances, but the plan is put into place to take the engine for themselves. With 12 robots to fight against, the plan is put into place to take the engine for themselves. John remains wary of Scarecrow’s allegiances.

Grant and Judy touch down, landing two miles below the canyon and into camp. All the kids rush up to meet him, as the rest of Grant’s crew (still in cryo pods of course) are taken into camp. ..

Judy sets the others to work on the thruster. The thruster is now operational but Will is off documenting the alien city, making a record of the most important archeological discovery.

According to Will, the city was destroyed off the back of a volcanic blast. However, as he shoots a flare down into the depths of the city, numerous skeletal remains lay strewn across the pathways. It seems like there’s been one heck of a massacre.

After trying different buttons on the control console, Will finds that by pressing one of the alien hands against his ear, he can hear a different frequency of noise that seems to be working. ..

Judy and Dr Smith go looking for Will in the tunnels. Once alone, Smith reveals that she can actually fly the Jupiter. Because of this, she worries that they won’t have enough air if Grant and his crew are aboard too. Smith refuses to go into the cryo sleep too, given her obvious distrust for everyone around her. “The only thing worse than being bad, is being powerless.” She says.

Judy refuses to cooperate with Smith, but just before he smacks her with a crowbar, the ominous shrieks from before distract them. It’s Will. ..

The ground starts shaking, the ceiling caves and Will Robinson finds himself scrambling for cover. Smith manages to keep the doors open long enough for Will to scramble through to safety.

John’s suspicions lead him back inside the ship, where he and Maureen find Bed Sadler’s personnel file open. It seems Scarecrow is trying to recall its memories, which Maureen interprets as a good thing. John though is more reserved. He’s concerned that Scarecrow will just fly off once they get aboard the alien ship.

Don and John work together, serving as the bait to draw the robots away. Maureen trusts this robot and leaves with it.

After a harrowing journey, the crew of the Jupiter make it back to their ship. Judy is concerned about Grant Kelly, who she worries won’t be able to fly the ship through the asteroid field. “You rely too much on computers,” He notes, reminding her why he’s such a good pilot. ..

Grant Kelly begins flying through the asteroid belt, disregarding the computer.

Judy is unwilling to take any risks. She reboots Maureen’s autopilot and it manages to bring them out to safety. Grant relinquishes his control, admitting that Judy is the true Captain. He also reveals that Maureen originally wanted to be an astronaut too.

The aliens had set up a trap to capture Scarecrow, and John and Don were the only ones who realized it. They were able to distract the robots while Scarecrow grabbed the engine, but they were then stabbed by the aliens and taken away. It turns out that the engine was just a decoy, and they walked right into it.

The Episode Review

The Robinson adults are left stranded with little hope of salvation after their ships malfunction. Will and Judy manage to get the guys off this desolate planet, thanks in part to Dr. Grant Kelly. There’s a close call here though, what with the asteroid belt, but the guys are finally on their way now. ..

The gang of robots has become the prey of a murderous robot, and it seems that they will be unable to hold their nerve. Will they be able to outsmart the robot or will they succumb to its wrath?