
In the second episode of Lost In Space Season 3, Judy sets off to find Grant Kelly. Heading aboard the ship, she manages to open one of the cryo pods but there’s a problem. The heart monitor flatlines and Grant Kelly looks like a goner. Thanks to some ingenuity, Judy manages to bring him back from the brink. ..

Grant finally wakes up and learns about the situation with the 97 kids and their colony. Judy lets him know about the situation, and eventually they make it onto the lander and make their way across the surface of the planet. They dodge numerous meteor blasts, but ultimately they’re both safe.

Smith isn’t happy when they’re told to leave Alpha Centauri and head back to Earth. She gets even more upset when she finds out Robot has gone off on his own. Anyway, Smith eventually tags along with Penny and Will as they go looking for Robot. On the way, they find a strange rock that hides a tunnel. There appears to be some sort of alien technology involved in this too. ..

Smith and Robot start a fight, but Penny and Will manage to get away. Robot then tells the group there’s more danger ahead and they need to find a way out.

Meanwhile, John and Maureen decide to use the full parts of a blown up robot to fix crucial bits of their ship. Maureen knows just where to look, heading off to hunt for SAR’s remains. The planet is pretty desolate, and with a massive storm raging on, Maureen tries to guide Don and John through the dust and debris when they touch down.

John is concerned about the radio interference and the lack of response from Don. He finds SAR’s remains but there is no sign of the robot. John eventually makes it back into the craft and they are worried. With SAR’s remains gone, it could well be that this maniacal robot is looking for Will. ..

As they enter the ship, John and Maureen notice that there are several scratch marks up the ceiling. They also realize that something is following them. It’s a creature known as Scarecrow. The creature is aggressive and seems to be after them. John and Maureen are able to fight off the creature, but it leaves them with some injuries.

The Scarecrow helps the family communicate with each other and apologize for sabotaging the titanium.

Just prior to this chat, communications are severed with Maureen and John, warning that SAR may still be alive. Unfortunately SAR is most certainly alive, and he growls “Find Will Robinson” as the episode closes out.

The Episode Review

In the latest episode of Lost In Space, Will, Penny and Judy are separated from their parents. The show continues to contrast these two storylines against one another, with the reveal that SAR is still alive a very real threat for the Robinson family to deal with.

The kids manage to communicate with the adults is a nice touch and it’s a light bite of relief in what’s otherwise a pretty dramatic and action-packed episode. The ending hints that we’ve got lots more drama to come though, leaving the door wide open for where this one may go next.