Three Little Birds

Penny begins to worry as she watches Judy head towards the shuttle. She knows that Judy is in danger, and she needs to find her before it’s too late.

Unfortunately Judy doesn’t get very long to work with the controls, as an extra-large asteroid is inbound to the shuttle. Thankfully Judy manages to make it back to her ship, but it’s certainly touch and go for a while.

We cut forward 349 days later to find out what happened to the Robinson kids. It’s been almost a year and they’ve made a nice little home for themselves next to the shadow of Jupiter 2. It turns out the planet died a long time ago, but how or why is unknown.

The Jupiter’s computer found a place in the valley that allowed life to thrive. So, that’s good enough for our 97 kids to make their own place. Corn yield is up 3%, solar rays are optimized and batteries are back to full charge. Falling asteroids are still a problem though, as time is running out. What should have taken a few weeks to get back on track to Alpha Centauri, is now taking months. ..

Penny is distracted while the lack of adults turns this into a chaotic and violent version of Lord of the Flies and The 100, without the conch, bickering and infighting. One thing is for certain though – they’re not going anywhere without Will being able to refine titanium. And for Smith, she’s anxious about how long that’s taking. ..

An incoming meteor completely disrupts Judy’s plans as she works to organize everyone into the bunker. Thankfully they’re okay, which is just as well given Liam and Penny were busy hooking up while the rocks shattered into the planet. Judy reminds her of her responsibilities; she’s part of the crew and it’s about time she acted like it.

These meteors are a problem because they’re clogging up the orbital field and they need to leave before it gets too late. If they don’t, the gang is going to be stuck on the planet. Judy leads an expedition to find more titanium so that they can leave in 4 days – enough time before everything gets crazy. So naturally, Judy leads an expedition to find more titanium so that they can leave in time for the planet to escape.

Luckily though, there’s a raw titanium extract two miles away. It’s a risky operation, they need their space suits and they’ve only got one shot at getting this right. No pressure!

Smith stays behind on ground level as Will and the others begin their ascent up the valley. She senses Will is hiding something and tries to pry that information from Robot, but it stays quiet.

Smith heads over to Will’s office, desperate to find out what he’s working on. “Will Robinson… not such a hero after all,” She smirks, looking over the documents strewn across his workspace. ..

With the titanium in hand, the kids decide to press on and grab it. There’s no way they’ll be able to go down now.

After flying up and grabbing the gear, thanks to some ingenious fly-gear, the Robinson kids make it back to camp triumphantly. However, Smith immediately confronts Will about what he’s been hiding. Apparently he’s been cooking the books, with a lot of titanium ore that just went missing inexplicably. Smith deduces that Will has been sabotaging their chances of getting back to Alpha Centauri. ..

Robot has been following Will all along, and he was actually the one who came up with the plan to help him. Will is surprised to find out that Robot is actually his friend, and they will go off together to face the danger head-on.

John and his troops are on a forest planet with two hours to get to safety until lightning strikes. They work together to evade deadly predators and make it back to the ship. Unfortunately, a stray flashlight gives them away. Beckett, the unfortunate soul, is obliterated for his troubles.

John manages to make it back to the Sunshine Base but their odds don’t look great. They need to be smart; bravery won’t get them far. Maureen eventually catches up with John, who breaks the news that they need to clear out the kids’ room. However, with the kids now gone, Maureen is struggling, burying herself in her work instead. At least to start with. John hasn’t given up hope and as such, they set out to try and bring their kids back. ..

Robot discovers a beautiful and mysterious alien city while exploring the planet.

The Episode Review

So Lost in Space returns and the first episode gets off to a decent start. There’s lots of action, although some is a little contrived, but largely in keeping with the tone and mood of this series. The show is set up as a science fiction adventure with plenty of suspense and excitement, which should keep viewers hooked. ..

The Robinson family are likable and there are clear tensions between the characters. Visually, Lost In Space continues to impress and the different worlds look brilliant. Unlike something like Another Life, this show is at least consistent and grounded in reality – to an extent.

The third season of “The Robinson Family” has been building up to an exciting finale. The show has been dealing with some rough patches throughout the first two seasons, but the second season really came into its own. This season looks to be following suit, with a thrilling and exciting final season in store.

The rest of the season is still up in the air, but one thing is for sure – this season is going to be exciting.