Molly surprises her employees with a trip to Miami on her private plane, and she calls it a “bonding retreat.” However, they experience turbulence, and have to stop in Oklahoma City.

Sofia becomes angry with Molly for making them miss a work meeting. They then all learn that the trip was so Molly could attend a party, and not for them to have a work retreat. They all leave Molly and take another plane back home.

Molly’s friends invite her to dinner, but she takes note of their selfish actions. Molly interrupts a work meeting and sticks up for Sofia, promising to fully support Sofia’s vision for the charity foundation.

She apologizes to her employees and invites them to dinner the next day to discuss their reasons for being in this field.

Sofia, a recent high school graduate, tells of her experience of homelessness and how she found her calling in helping others. She says that this was the day she knew she wanted to help others in similar situations. ..

Molly tells her she thought about leaving Sofia to do her job in peace (which Sofia would be absolutely okay with). But Molly decides she’s going to stay–all because Sofia and the foundation are having a positive impact on her life. ..

The Episode Review

In episode 2 of Loot, Molly continues to be a selfish and insufferable individual. Despite her lack of growth throughout the episode, this might have been forgivable if Loot placed more emphasis on its comedy and on poking more fun at Molly’s skewed perspective.

Loot’s comedic writing can be delightful at times! But too often, the jokes rely on the goofy characters’ flat caricatures, and they don’t always land. ..