The Professor leads the team to an abandoned shantytown, where they use the trackers on the lorries to find Lisbon and the others. ..

The Professor has been duped again. This time, he’s lost 90 tons of gold in just 30 minutes. He realizes that this was planned and not an improvised coup, so he knows who’s responsible. He goes inside one of the houses and notices cameras set up and an entire operation planned. ..

The Professor has traced the steps that Tatiana and Rafael took to transfer the gear into open-top trucks. It seems that they did this using a digger.

The professor immediately communicates with those inside the bank. He decides to launch Plan Tom Thumb, with the end-goal being retrieving the gold no matter what. Unfortunately, Denver and Stockholm have gone quiet, because of course they have. Lisbon though inevitably comes down to see them together, revealing the truth about the stolen gold. ..

We learn that the end-goal of Sagasta’s mission is to open up the fortress and allow the authorities to bust inside and completely destroy it.

Lisbon communicates with the Professor and realizes that Rafael is using the same set of cards they are. Given their ties with Berlin, they’re obviously going to be expecting the Professor to comb through the CCTV cameras. After some deducing, the Professor realizes that the gold must have been buried. And that’s a pretty good guess, as we cut across to Tatiana and Rafael, who bury the gold and set up a quaint house above to give the perfect illusion. ..

Meanwhile, Tamayo organizes all of his soldiers to prepare themselves, intending to strike the heart of this bank. With the doctors on the inside obviously compromised and working with them, it all comes down to this.

The Spanish soldier begins to have a seizure, and Palermo frees the fake doctors from their binds. The fake doctors then turn the tide and grab weapons of their own, outsmarting Palermo and Helsinki. ..

Sagasta takes charge and the rest of the gang preoccupied with their own drama, they let their guards down and find themselves captured by Tamayo and the others. The jig is up. The Colonel has secured the bank. ..

Tamayo marches into the bank, confidently strutting his stuff. Immediately, he uses Lisbon’s radio to communicate with the Professor. He slams on the brakes and stops. He promised the gang that if they were captured, he’d go down with them in handcuffs. And that’s exactly what he plans to do. ..

After the heist, the Professor decides to turn himself in. Just before he goes, he hands over the reins of the operation to Alicia. It’s now up to her to find the gold and team up with Benjamin and the others to do so. Alicia and the Professor say their goodbyes as the latter leaves. ..

A group of soldiers block the Professor’s path as he walks down the street. He doesn’t seem to notice, continuing on his way unfazed. As he nears the bank, protestors line the streets cheering him on. The doors to the bank are flung open and the Professor walks in, unafraid of his fate. ..

The Episode Review

On the other hand, you have the members of your own gang who are all fighting for control of their own destiny. It’s a delicate balance that is quickly becoming untenable.

At the same time, we have the soldiers inside the bank, which have been serving as the Trojan horse all this time, unlocking doors and waiting for the opportune time to strike. Well, that time arrives and our robbers are all duped, partly because they’ve all decided to split up at the worst possible moments. ..

Despite that though, I am extending my final episode looks set to see all of our big plot points come together in dramatic fashion. Quite what that means for our characters remains to be seen, and it’s unclear whether everyone will survive by the end.

The final episode of La Casa De Papel is upon us! Either way though, it’s the end of an era as the show comes to a close. ..