Live Many Lives

This week’s episode of La Casa De Papel features more Berlin flashbacks as the Professor watches TV with interest. It was actually Berlin who encouraged the Professor to head out and see Tokyo. This ties in nicely with the very first episode of this show, where the Professor recruited Tokyo for the heist.

In the present, Tokyo and Denver are trying to hold off Sagasta’s men. They even throw a grenade but unfortunately Gandia puts the pin back on it, managing to stop the explosive from… well… exploding. Meanwhile, the rest of the gang are trying to save Helsinki and get the gold out before it’s too late. ..

With Sagasta and his men occupied, the Professor speaks to Tokyo and has her wind up Gandia. She uses his family as ammunition, which certainly does the trick. Physics go completely out the window here though as a grenade is thrown into Tokyo’s room, which is then thrown back through a small hole into the room Sagasta and the others are in before it blows. As the hand grenade rolls across the ground, it takes the life of one inconsequential soldier. ..

Denver and Manilla are discussing Denver’s life with Stockholm. Stockholm is having serious PTSD from seeing Arturo’s face everywhere she goes. She panics this time too, with Helsinki calling out for her to give him morphine. Instead, she heads off and decides to inject herself with it to calm her nerves.

As the Professor communicates with Bogota down in the basement, the gang announce that Sierra’s baby is now going to be called Victoria, because they’re going to be victorious. Ah, that’s nice then. Only, the thing that’s going to be victorious here appears to be Sierra, who stashes some pliers in her sleeves while going to the toilet.

Tokyo tries to hold off against the Gandia and the others, but gets several shots away. However, she too is attacked and shot five times in her arms and legs. She’s in a rough way, and with Tokyo fading quickly, the Professor tries to organize the gang to hold tight and set up a defensive position for as long as possible.

Stockholm wakes up to the sound of people running. She can’t see them, but she knows they’re running away from something. She tries to get up, but her body is heavy and unmoving. Then she realizes something- the gang can’t escape through the dumbwaiter! Only, it’s six floors down so it seems completely out of the question. Stockholm panics and starts to cry, knowing that Tokyo will never see her again.

Tokyo is in flames as Sagasta and his men head in to hit the killing blow on the city. However, she has a trump card of her own - explosives. She lets rip just as they stand over her, blasting all of Sagasta’s men into oblivion. With all of Sagasta’s men (presumably) dead in the explosive blast, Tokyo is left on a precarious cliffhanger.

The Episode Review

Netflix’s new trend of releasing entire seasons at once, followed by a second half later in the year, is a nice compromise for gaining buzz. This way, fans are more eager to tune into the second half than ever before. And what about a finale like that? ..

The flashbacks here actually make more sense, showing a lot more of Tokyo’s history with the Professor and how she came to be part of his big operation. It also allows for more context with Berlin along with Tokyo’s relationship with her ex-partner too.

Tokyo’s death leaves the city in a state of shock, with many wondering how Helsinki is holding up. It seems like he may still be alive but we’ll have to wait and see.

There is not a lot to explain here as we will get our answers come December. For now, this first part has been a bit hit or miss but thankfully the final explosive chapter makes good in the end. Roll on December 3rd!