We follow the Professor as he works tirelessly on his plan, trying to make sure everything goes according to plan. But as the days grow shorter and the pressure mounts, he begins to feel like he’s in over his head.

The video starts with a narration by a gang member, explaining how to get the gold out of Palermo. This video is streamed out for the whole world to see, as different news stations across the world learn what’s happened.

The Professor’s plan is to speak the truth about the Spanish economy, which will cause it to crumble. The Professor and his team have a powerful bargaining chip because they were able to bypass security protocols in order to provoke a financial crisis. ..

The Professor plans to allow the stock market to plummet and for the Spanish economy to collapse. And when the gold is found to be outside of the bank, the only bargaining chip here will be the Professor giving back the gold back to prevent Tamayo and other Spanish officials from facing the music.

Alicia getting the gold back is so important because it allows them to bargain for something much bigger than themselves. But only if everyone can hold their nerves.

The Colonel is worried about Tamayo’s ability to hold his nerve. He knows that Denver is determined to get the interview with the girl and he doesn’t want to let him down. The Colonel also worries about Denver’s intentions. Is he really just trying to get the girl out of the country? Or is there more to this story than meets the eye?

Denver looks to sign the deal, but instead stays true to the plan and doesn’t give anyone up. Angry and frustrated, Tamayo takes him out in handcuffs to face the music – and a life sentence in prison.

Tamayo closes in on the gold, or so he thinks. In reality, it’s all a big decoy to drive the police crazy and keep them busy. With the officers preoccupied, it allows Alicia and the others to work on finding where Tatiana and Rafael have actually hidden the gold.

The company’s stock price has plummeted, and the executives are growing impatient. If they don’t find the gold soon, more stock will be sold and the company could go bankrupt. So Tamayo resorts to physical violence to get some answers. ..

The Professor presents a plan that allows them both to win or both lose. The Professor confirms the gold is already out and on the move, using this as his makeshift “firewall”, given no one actually knows where it is – including himself. Tamayo is not of sane mind though and decides he’d rather let them both lose than surrender to this.

When Tamayo leaves, the drama in the house intensifies. The Professor and Lisbon discuss the heist at hand, and specifically how the Professor decided to rob the bank 24 hours after the initial heist. In light of this, he proposes marriage to Lisbon - something that was not part of Colonel’s original plan! Of course, Lisbon says yes. ..

While this is going on, Angel takes the bait and begins chasing after the decoyed gold. Knowing this will keep them busy for a while, Alicia, Benjamin and Marseille work to try and find the real gold. Part of this comes from finding out who has bought private property and paying in cash narrows down the search considerably.

As they close in on the real gold, Angel and the others stray further away. Specifically they find out about a random kidnapping out at sea and the decoy vessel used to ship the fake gold around. The thing is, given how obscure and unlikely this is, Tamayo believes it’s the real deal. Especially when the end-goal is a breadcrumb trial ending with them believing the gold has been dropped to the bottom of the ocean.

With the bait taken, Plan Tom Thumb comes into fruition. A live-stream broadcast from inside the bank confirms how the gold was taken out through the extraction pump. This, of course, sees the stocks plummet even further. Just in time for Alicia to find the gold.

Alicia and Tatiana are at a stand-off, with Alicia holding a card of her own. Rafael, the protagonist, has a note from his uncle that says he wants to see them both soon.

The Professor finally convinces Tamayo to play ball. He reluctantly holds a press conference, confirming that they’ve found the gold and that the professor head inside the bank to secure negotiations. And just as he says the words, the gold shows up outside the bank as scheduled. But how?

The flashbacks that had been puzzling me for so long finally made sense. It turns out the Professor was actually disguising brass as gold, given the ingots aren’t actually used for any transactions by the bank. So in essence, they’ll be none the wiser. ..

This is the story of a man who, in order to win a treasure exchange with Berlin, must lie to everyone he meets. Tamayo does this by convincing them that the bars that stopped the stock crisis are also worth more than they actually are. This allows him to become a national hero and save the Spanish economy.

The Colonel counts down from 10 and eventually heads out to confront the public. Confirming that the gang members have been taken out, one by one on stretchers. And if that wasn’t bad enough, Coldplay plays out as Denver screams to the heavens. I know Denver, that’s a natural reaction to this Coldplay song. But wait! None of them are really dead.

The Professor’s plan is to use the real gold as a hostage to get the Colonel to release the hostages. With the gold used as a hostage, the Colonel allows the hostages to go free.

Rafael and Alicia came to an agreement. As we cut forward 24 hours, Rio touches down along with the rest of the gang who are now in their normal clothes and ready to live a new life. ..

Stockholm and Denver embrace, while Rio thanks the Professor for pulling off this heist in the end. A beautiful and touching tribute is paid, as Sierra and Lisbon patch up their differences, as it turns out the house itself – the little house atop the gold – is actually en-route to Portugal. And nestled within its walls happens to be the 90 tons of gold.

A triumphant ending to the story; the gang get away with the gold, Tamayo is a national hero, and the Professor’s final plan comes to fruition.

The Episode Review

However, the second season started to feel a little too familiar. The plot was starting to feel like it had been done before, and the characters were starting to become a little too one-dimensional. It was also difficult to keep up with the fast-paced action sequences. But then came this final episode and everything changed. This episode was intense, thrilling and well-done. It managed to keep up with Prison Break’s high standards while still feeling fresh and new. It’s clear that Las Casa De Papel is one of the best shows on television right now, and this final episode is no exception.

The show has sort of leaned more into the character dynamics and soapy shenanigans, mixed with ridiculous action that would make Michael Bay blush. There’s been some truly physic-defying segments, but it’s been very watchable at the same time.

This season of “The Crown” feels like it’s all been leading up to this one moment. The twist with Tatiana and Rafael is a good one, but it’s given absolutely no time to breathe and ultimately fails to really live up to expectations. We get a run-in and a bit of a stand-off…and then nothing.

Rafael stole the gold because he wants to give it back to the people. He probably thought that this would show us all that thieves will always be thieves, but it doesn’t feel like a satisfying turn of events.

However, there is a nice little double twist at the end and seeing everyone come out of this unscathed - at least those left standing in part 2 - is a nice way to round things out. Should this have stopped after the first two seasons? Yes. Has this season been completely unwatchable? No. There’s certainly enough here to like and fans of the show should find enough to like with this 75 minute conclusion. ..