Mr. Helpful

Chief Gossiper Nam-Sook is spreading rumors that Hye-Jin has been hooking up with both Du-Sik and Seong-Hyeon. Mi-Seon arrives to break this party up though, calling her out for gossiping and forcing them all to leave. ..

Mi-Soen tells this back to Hye-Jin, but she’s not exactly bothered. She just chalk it up to Nam-Sook being her usual self.

The tension between the three leads to a heated argument that quickly turns physical. In the end, Hye-Jin leaves with Du-Sik, but not before giving him a passionate kiss.

Seong-Hyeon continues to help out around town, including buying cakes for the old ladies. Du-Sik has been the top dog for such a long time that seeing Seong-Hyeon in this position certainly puts him on edge. However, it does make him look at Hye-Jin in a different light too, smitten when she takes off her neck brace in the shop later on.

Yeong-Suk meets up with Hwa-Jeong after seeing the orthopedic. He tells her that he still feels things for Cho-Hui and intends to tell her this later on. Hwa-Jeong refuses to listen to him, telling the man that she’s off-limits. ..

Cho-hui heads over to see Hwa-Jeong later that day and hands over a gift. She’s got some anti-wrinkle cream for her but Hwa-Jeong is not having this. She openly admits she doesn’t want to be friends and certainly not use the same cosmetics. She tells Cho-hui not to come by unannounced again, stamping down her authority.

Hwa-Jeong takes in a drunk girl who is feeling down and decides to help her out. Yeong-Suk helps care for her until she leaves.

Nam-Sook decides to skip out on treatment midway through, deciding to take up a cheaper dentist to finish her inlays. Well, she’s not the first to refuse it though, and it sends Hye-Jin out to confront Nam-Sook. She’s been recommending a dental technician that’s cheaper. Hye-Jin tries to encourage her to see reason but the woman is stubborn, to say the least. She even refuses to apologize for the rumour spreading too.

After a long day of work, Seong-Hyeon and Hye-Jin end up walking together. Mi-Seon helps them out, and Du-Sik goes on patrol with Eun-Cheol. While rain hammers down, he sees the pair together.

Du-Sik hands over a bag for Hye-Jin, claiming he meant to just throw it away, but it’s actually something to help her herniated disks. Given how long he was out in the rain without an umbrella, in the morning Du-Sik ends up with a pretty nasty cough.

Meanwhile, Hye-Jin notices Nam-Sook out with a whole envelope full of cash meeting a shady fellow. Apparently her consultant is Kim Mi-Yeong and this guy is a bank employee. As Hye-Jin pokes holes in this story, the man suddenly snatches up the money and runs. Hye-Jin begins to question the legitimacy of Nam-Sook’s consultant, Kim Mi-Yeong, after noticing that she has been meeting with a bank employee for undisclosed reasons. When the man suddenly grabs the cash from their meeting, Hye Jin becomes suspicious and investigates further. ..

Only, Seong-Hyeon and Du-Sik both notice and see it as an opportunity to gain brownie points with Hye-Jin. Well, eventually the pair bring the money back but Seong-Hyeon does the noble thing and claims it was all Du-Sik. Well, Du-Sik is not in a good way and eventually calls it quits, heading home and deciding to lay low for the time being.

Chief Hong of the police department in Seoul, South Korea, was injured in a car accident. Hye-Jin, a nurse who works at the hospital where he is being treated, rushes to help him. She patches up his cut arm and encourages him to talk about what he’s feeling. He wants tangerines. Hye-Jin eventually goes out to find them, but not before making him some porridge and deliberating about kissing him. She also leaves a massive mess in his kitchen too. ..

Hye-Jin, who had been talking to Hwa-Jeong about Nam-Sook later that day, admitted that the woman used to have a daughter around Ju-Ri’s age called A-Ram. She was sick and after losing A-Ram, wasn’t herself for a year until she started making donations. As Hwa-Jeong put it, Nam-Sook being a gossip and a pain is better than wallowing in grief. ..

Hearing this news, Hye-Jin makes amends with Nam-Sook by telling her to come by the clinic so she can check out her inlays. ..

As the sun sets, Hye-Jin is walking home from the dental clinic. She’s tired and her phone is dead, but she’s also worried about Du-Sik. When she arrives home, she finds him awake and waiting for her. It turns out he was actually up when she tried to kiss him before!

The Episode Review

Nam-Sook, the main focus of this episode, is interviewed by Hometown Cha Cha Cha. The show sheds light on her past and why she’s such a gossip. It’s clear that she’s using this to try and cover up her grief over A-Ram. Of course, this also comes at the expense of making Hye-Jin annoyed and being a nosy gossip. Thankfully, by the end of the episode, the pair patch up their differences. ..

This chapter is about developing the love triangle between our trio. Although it is clear by now that Du-Sik is going to end up with Hye-Jin while Seong-Hyeon is just there to stir up some drama. It’s a typical trope in k-dramas and the second-lead obstacle is just that – an obstacle.

This show definitely knows how to pile on the laughs and the comedy throughout its entire run. The characters are what make this such an enjoyable show though, and if the ending is anything to go by, it looks like we’re on course for more romance in the upcoming episodes!