My Personal Story

Li-Sa and Hae-Won bonded quickly, with Hae-Won even drawing a sketch of Li-Sa as a momentum. The two ladies share time in college together, and back then, Hui-Ju and Hae-Won partnered up to learn German. That’s not all though. The two bonded quickly, with Hae-Won even drawing a sketch of Li-Sa as a momentum.

As the sun sets, the two friends sit and share a drink together, discussing the age-old hard work VS talent idea. Hae-Won is under the impression that no matter how hard her students work, they’ll never beat someone with true talent.

Woo-Jae walks into the house, silently walking in. He is the catalyst that has undone this happy family set-up.

It’s here we cut to the confrontation outside Hui-Ju’s house. Hui-Ju is convinced that her former friend is doing all this to get back at her but Hae-Won is adamant this is all one big misunderstanding. Specifically, she points out how prestigious the art department is at Li-Sa’s school. Is she telling the truth? Hui-Ju is not convinced and warns her away hanging around her family. And just like that, Hui-Ju drives off.

Next up, it’s Hyeon-Seong’s turn to confront Hae-Won. He calls him out for the comments toward Ju-Yeong. She warned the girl away from hanging around with Li-Sa and Hyeon-Seong wants to know why. Instead, she tells him not to be fooled, going on to admit girls that age don’t tend to tell their father everything. ..

But as Hyeon-Seong begins to look deeper into the paperwork used to get Woo-Jae out of hospital, he realizes that there may be something more going on. He assigns his subordinates to sniff around Hae-Won, but they are not able to find anything incriminating.

The article discusses how Hyeon-Seong has partnered with the Irish hospital, which was seen as being in connection with Woo-Jae.

The general hospital coming into Sejong will start a joint curriculum with Trinity University in Ireland. Korean pharmaceuticals will then start manufacturing their products in Ireland, hence setting up a favourable deal between the two countries. But is there more to this than we’re seeing? Brief black and white flashes seem to hint that there is but we’ll have to wait and see. For now, Young-Sun isn’t convinced and decides she too needs to check out this deal from top to bottom.

This episode continued to show flashbacks of Hui-Ju, who was shown to be in despair while sketching. Just before she erased everything, Woo-Jae grabbed her wrist and convinced her not to. He was shown to be pretty standoffish with her, but it appeared the reason why was because Woo-Jae had a crush on her. Inside his journal (which Hui-Ju ended up reading), she found numerous sketches of her face. ..

Hui-Ju doesn’t tell him what she’s seen though, but does hear his pencil scraping across the paper and instantly knows that he’s drawing her again. This time though he doesn’t disguise it, telling Hui-Ju outright that the left side of her face is prettier than the right.

In the present, it turns out that Hui-Ju has actually kept his sketchbook and the way she holds it seems to reveal some deep-rooted affection toward it… until she throws it in the furnace.

Meanwhile, Sun-Woo returns to the church and sees Hae-Won again. She contemplates whether to use the confessional booth, as it appears she’s using Ju-Yeong to her advantage. Remember the random camera phone we saw recording her meeting with Hyeon-Seong? Well, the girl happens to be editing the video on her computer.

We cut to Hui-Ju picking up Li-Sa from school. She’s pushing herself hard and Ju-Yeong is filming Li-Sa while she dances. A hard fall though sees her demand to delete the video. ..

Ju-Yeong and Hae-Won are in a relationship and Li-Sa is trying to get information from her about it. Ju-Yeong mentions that Hae-Won doesn’t have a mum so it shouldn’t be a big deal, but Li-Sa gets angry and throws her phone out the window. It’s clear there are secrets being kept here and Hui-Ju starts to suspect the same.

The itch refuses to be scratched. It sees Hae-Won and Hui-Ju meet again, but it will be the last time. Hui-Ju is rattled by Hae-Won bringing up Woo-Jae. Apparently he sends his regards. She doesn’t look amused, but as we cut back in time, we see Hui-Ju packing up her things while Woo-Jae takes off with his baby… Ho-Su.

The Episode Review

With Hui-Ju’s reveal as the fake saint, it now looks like Woo-Jae is the true love of her life and she’s been keeping this from him all this time. Now that they know the truth, Woo-Jae has to choose between his family and Hui-Ju.

Reflection of You has been a great addition to the show and has done an excellent job of keeping the waters murky. Who’s telling the truth? Who’s to fault? And how does Woo-Jae tie into all of this?

There are still many unanswered questions about this show and the third chapter only seems to underscore that. Li-Sa is certainly no saint either and it seems as if she is the catalyst for a lot of the drama wrapped up in this situation. ..

This week, it was confirmed that Hyeon-Seong has a significant business agreement with Ireland. Additionally, Woo-Jae’s involvement in the story remains unclear. ..

Could it be that Woo-Jae was kept inside a burning building or potentially part of an arson attack? Given the recurrent motif of fire in this show, it’s possible that this is what happened. The show has done an excellent job keeping things intriguing right up to the end, so we can’t wait to find out what happens next. ..

Tomorrow is sure to bring more drama as the ending hints. ..