Your Name Is

Reflection of You Episode 2 begins with Hui-Ju in her studio deep in thought. She’s clearly concerned about Hae-Won’s arrival and believes there’s more to this than meets the eye. At the same time, Hyeong-Seong learns that the unconscious man’s name is Woo-Jae. It would appear as if he’s related to Hae-Won, and a photo of the pair together with Hui-Ju only reinforces this. ..

At 2am, the family are woken up by loud music coming from Li-Sa’s room. She’s in a panic and claims she can’t hear anything when Hui-Ju rushes in to check on her. Ho-Su complains that his throat is hurting too, but to be honest it’s presumably from all the shouting – and a ploy to get some attention too. ..

In the CCTV footage, Hae-Won can be seen meeting up with Ju-Yeong from school. However, when Hui-Ju’s son refers to her as a “dinosaur lady”, she is worried and frantically looks about, trying to find her.

With Hae-Won nowhere in sight, Hui-Ju heads back to see Li-Sa, who can hear now, believe it or not. She’s cold toward her mother though, refusing to open up. And to make matters worse, her online profile is completely private so there’s no way Hui-Ju will be able to pry that way.

Hae-Won sits in a local church and watches the different people walking in and out of the confessional booth. She takes a fancy to a guy called Seong-Woo, and decides to go talk to him. ..

“I’m sorry, I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Hae-Won says. “He’s not my type.”

Hui-Ju brings up the CCTV footage of Li-Sa the previous night, showing how distressed she was. She believes that the meeting with Ju-Yeong is what caused her to become incredulous. In fact, Hui-Ju even blames Hae-Won for Li-Sa’s attitude shift. ..

According to Hae-Won though, Hui-Ju has been leeching off Ju-Yeong, who she hints is the one with the real talent. It’s certainly enough to unsettle Hui-Ju, who isn’t quite sure what to believe right now. Speaking to Li-Sa’s tutor, the woman is confident Li-Sa will “explode” soon (talent-wise). When Ho-Su returns home, he throws a temper tantrum, desperate for ice-cream until Hui-Ju brings the maid in to usher him away.

Meanwhile, Woo-Jae is brought back to Korea and is given a passport. When Hyeon-Seong finds out, he’s concerned about what this means and begins searching through the CCTV footage. There, he figures out that it’s Hae-Won who released Woo-Jae and pauses over an accompanying certificate which seems to show that Hae-Won is actually married.

Hyeon-Seong is unaware that Ju-Yeong is working with Hae-Won, who receives a message later that evening confirming she met with Hyeon-Seong and believes he is a “nice guy.” Now, Hae-Won lives with Jung-Yeon, who is certainly not afraid to speak her mind, including trying to matchmake a widow in a bar. There’s not much else to say about her but given the screen time she gets here, it seems she could prove to be crucial going forward. ..

As the flashbacks continue, it is revealed that Hae-Won and Hui-Ju were in an art class together which Woo-Jae was also a part of. The pair got along well and Hui-Ju bought Hae-Won a dress from the shop. Interestingly, these flashes also include Woo-Jae too, who is very close with Hui-Ju.

As she helps sort out his suit, the pair avoid eye contact with one another as if they’re hiding something. Eventually though she’s encouraged to join in for the photo shoot, where Woo-Jae grabs a green coat that Hui-Ju has bought for her. As they stand together, Woo-Jae reaches out and holds Hui-Ju’s hand, bringing her in closer.

The Episode Review

As the story unfolds, it becomes clear that there’s more to this than meets the eye. Hui-Ju and Woo-Jae have been involved in a past relationship that didn’t work out, and now they’re trying to cover it up. It looks like they may have been using each other for their own gain, and now Woo-Jae is in danger of getting hurt too.

Reflection of You has been praised for its eerie atmosphere and for its echoes of other dramas. ..

The mystery of what Hae-Won really wants and what happened to Woo-Jae in order for him to fall into a coma is still being uncovered, but it’s definitely an intriguing prospect for the future. And don’t discount Li-Sa from this either, she’s certainly no saint! Let’s hope the rest of the show follows suit because right now this looks like a deliciously twisted thriller. Oh, and let us know your thoughts and theories in the comments below, we love to hear from you! ..