Last Day

The farmer is the only one to survive the impact. He wakes up in a hospital in Sana’a, Yemen, with no idea what happened to his family or himself. He soon realizes that he’s not the only one who was impacted by the meteor. All over Yemen, people are reporting strange and unexplainable things happening. They’re seeing meteors falling from the sky, hearing strange noises, and even seeing objects move across the sky. As Yemeni security forces try to figure out what’s going on, they quickly realize that this isn’t just some random event. They’re dealing with an alien invasion!

As he approaches the truck, he can see that the back window is smashed and there’s a note inside. It reads: “John, I know you’re busy, but I just wanted to let you know that I’ve been watching you and your work. You’re doing a great job. Keep it up. -The Unknown

Bell investigates the crater and finds a car abandoned nearby. He is convinced that Daniel, the missing man around these parts, has been taken by someone and he sets out to find out who. ..

The Malik family reconvene in the hospital with kids at nearby school having nose bleeds. Aneesha and Ahmed are obviously worried about their kids and try to reassure them that everything will be okay.

Sarah, their daughter, is still bleeding as they drive to see Dr. Lockhart. All the vitals come back absolutely fine for her, so the doctor advises the family just to take it easy. For Luke though, it appears he’s playing up the “chosen one” trope in this. ..

Ahmed slips away that night and it turns out he’s actually cheating on Aneesha. She follows a tracker to a secluded house and leaves her kids in the car while she witnesses him doing this firsthand.

Aneesha is distraught and angry when she returns home from work to find the kids sleeping on the sofa. She decides to go through Amanda Hornsby’s Linkedin profile and like every post. ..

Ahmed returns home to find his partner arguing with him. The power goes out and soon the house is on fire. Neighbors start to get worried and it appears this isn’t an isolated incident. ..

Captain Murai is impressed by Mitsuki Yamato’s intelligence and her ability to run a diagnostic on the shuttle. The two share a close relationship, and the captain is eager to see what else they can do together on this long mission.

The launch of the HOSHI12 Space shuttle was a success, but soon after Yamato’s return to her apartment something ripped through the hull and killed all of the astronauts.

Back on Earth, Bell prepares for his retirement but he’s not in a particularly celebratory mood. As he heads back to the crop circle and asks the Lord for a sign, a strange tentacle darts him in the back of the neck and kills him outright. As the camera pans up, an invisible ship flies away. We’re not alone. ..

The Episode Review

The opening chapter of Invasion is an eerie, atmospheric read that establishes the premise of the book. The tension in this time period is palpable and the story follows a group of people who are caught up in this event. The writing is well-done and makes you feel as if you are right there in the middle of this action.

The first episode of “Stranger Things” set the tone with standard horror movie tropes, establishing the characters and setting the mood. The second episode focused on a shocking reveal about one of the characters and ended with a cliffhanger that hinted at involvement by the government in the story. ..

Apple’s new show “The Crown” has a lavish budget, but it looks like the script is solid. Based on this first showing, it looks promising. ..