KD Peace Convention

Inspector Koo returns for the seventh episode of his hit show, and things are not looking good. Santa has some of the devil puppets on his table, and Kyung-Yi has spiked her drink. Time is cycling through different scenes as we watch, and it’s clear that something bad is going to happen. ..

The present is tense as Ko-Dam is surrounded by 3 white trucks of doom. The trucks are there to protect Ko-Dam, as the gang realizes his security is actually pretty good. So how will Yi-Kyung get close to Ko-Dam? Well, it seems the answer lies in the upcoming KD Peace Lab Convention.

Ko-Dam is expected to announce his candidacy for Mayor of Seoul at a large public event later this week. Kyung-Yi is concerned about how Ko-Dam will behave during the event, given his history of erratic behavior. ..

While this is happening, Kim takes Jeong-Yeon and begins questioning her, demanding to know where K is. After a briefing about the team and how they’re going into the peace event disguised as security, Kyung-Yi shows up to see Jeong-Yeon and takes her down to the beach. ..

There, the journalist tries to persuade the woman to see sense and understand that K is a psychopath. She refuses to see it though, adamant that Yi-Kyung is not a murderer. Kyung-Yi wants her to test that theory, encouraging the woman to ask K about what she’s been doing next time she sees her.

Kyung-Yi has other ideas. She reviews the CCTV footage and finds the gang inside the convention. Finding rat droppings and a hole to boot, Kyung-Yi manages to patch up the hole which, in turn, eliminates the signal planted inside. However, K also has schematics for the building so this isn’t going to be an easy plan to stop.

Kyung-Yi realizes that K’s numerous play scripts are not light reading material after all. She’s actually using them as inspiration for her killings. This one appears to be linked all the way to the peacekeeper robot, as well as a spring-loaded trap inside the vents on the wall. The plan here seems to be for the trap to react with the metal on the robot and cause an explosion.

“Ko-Dam, I need you to come out here,” K shouts over the robots. “I need to talk to you.”

The robots that exploded were not created by Ko-Dam, it seems like they are rigged to blow. Suddenly, chaos breaks out. Gun-Wook approaches Jong-Yeon and urges her to leave, Kyung-Yi notices and chases Gun-Wook outside. Ko-Dam steps away from the robot and it suddenly explodes. The mini robots also catch fire too, leading to the place being investigated.

Kyung-Yi rushes to the convention center, determined to find out if Gun-Wook is okay.

Je-Hui secures Ko-Dam and tasers him. She rings Mr Kim and tells him that he’s secure, as it becomes clear that Yong-Sook has obviously given her an ulterior motive. With Ko-Dam secure with Yong-Sook, she rings him and, upon learning he has no intention of relinquishing his grip on the candidacy, he’s killed.

Kyung-Yi and K are walking home from getting ice cream when Kyung-Yi’s phone rings. It’s her best friend K, asking if she can come over for a few minutes. Kyung-Yi is surprised, but okay with it. When they get to K’s house, Kyung-Yi finds out that her best friend has died. K was hit by a car and died instantly. Kyung-Yi is devastated and doesn’t know what to do or say.

The Episode Review

This week’s episode of Inspector Koo features a cat and mouse chase that is both simple and effective. The operation, which takes place at the convention, results in the capture of the cat by the mouse.

Kyung-Yi is getting wise to K’s schemes and it looks like she won’t be the last we see of her. It seems like she’s been withholding a little too, given her ties with Jeong-Yeon, but now that her aunt is dead, it opens up the possibility for some very dramatic episodes to take place. ..

Kyung-Yi and K have been a standout relationship on this show so far. The ending hints at more dramatic episodes to come, leaving the door open for where this one may go next. ..