Cat and Mouse

K. is on the loose and Inspector Koo is determined to bring her to justice. She finds incriminating photos from the crime scene and a whiteboard full of details that point to her involvement. K. realizes something is amiss and returns to his office, where he tells her everything he knows.

Santa races into the room to water the plants, but just prior to that K happened to be messing with the lights. As we later find out, she was actually planting a bug. Santa wheels out the bins, but funnily enough K happens to be in the one he takes out. This is what coincides with the parking lot scene last episode, with Santa bowing just as she passes. What a fake-out! Anyway, he catches a whiff of her perfume and realizes just who she is. ..

As K sprints away, Santa follows her down the street. K realizes what’s happening and eventually charges away. Santa, disliking being dirty of course, ends up with spilled drinks over his shirt as he continues to chase her. Eventually they make their way up to the rooftop but K is too smart, too cunning and too tenacious, managing to get back down to ground level, despite hurting her leg badly in the process. ..

Kyung-Yi turns her attention to the video broadcast outside the Life Insurance firm. They learn that puppets are linked back to an old cartoon from 2003. Now, it would appear that whoever was behind this may well have been a preschooler back then. However, Santa suddenly shows up, looking the worse for wear, but holding the outfit that K was wearing. He checks the light fixture and finds the bug, quickly dispatching it.

Kyung-Yi and K head out for food to discuss their next moves. Kyung-Yi goes over Santa’s description and deliberates on him talking about how the culprit hurt her right leg. Kyung-Yi is immediately over to see K, pressing her for answers. Instead, she leads her old friend over to the window to marvel at the sunset. When she leaves, K grabs her leg and mutters to herself how she needs to take care of her.

Meanwhile, Santa learns that the strange devil puppet is connected to all of this, and seemingly the killer’s calling card. The next to receive one of these is Jae-Yeong, who’s told to arrive at Incheon Station. Kyung-Yi, upon finding this out, believes this is a good opportunity to see exactly how K operates. However, everything needs to be tightly restrained. Only then will they be successful. ..

Kyung-Yi agrees to take on the case, but there are clear signs that Je-Hui and Kyung-Yi have a history of animosity. However, they both agree to try and solve the case without anyone getting hurt. ..

Meanwhile, on the street, Gun-Wook and K are in a fight. Gun-Wook has been ignoring K all this time, but she decides to show who’s really in charge by smacking him in the face. It seems to work - he quickly runs away to get some food. However, K gets the last laugh later when she shows up and challenges Gun-Wook to a fight.

Jae-Young’s operation goes awry when she sets up a wire on her friend Jae-Young and all of her team in order to track down the old lady mentioned in the message. However, when Jae-Young reaches the intended location, she finds an additional phone with an incriminating message. She gets spooked and throws down her wire-tap, going rogue with a bottle of water. But is this really water in there?

Kyung-Yi follows the phone call to the docks, where she believes a poison is hidden. She begins pouring water into a pool and is convinced it’s poisoned, but in reality it’s just water. Kyung-Yi believes the message on the phone is true – no one will die.

Je-Hui and Gyeong-Su are the real targets of K’s message. They were gassed in their car, and woke up in a shipping container on the beach. ..

Gun-Wook, the informant who tipped off the police about K’s drug smuggling, has also been caught up in the case. He’s been trying to get his story out to the media but it seems like everyone is just as eager to forget about him as they are K. The whole thing is tense and exciting, but it’s also a bit frustrating because we can’t help but wonder who else is going to get caught up in this case and what will happen to them.

The water level inside the shipping container is rising, but Je-Hui believes they may be on a lake. K is angry behind bars, wanting to see how this plays out; while Kyung-Yi scrambles for answers. Tick tock, guys!

The Episode Review,

Kyung-Yi and K’s cat Santa is a central character in this episode, and the dynamics between the two parties are constantly changing. Kyung-Yi and K are getting to know Santa, but they also have to keep up with the game of cat and mouse that Santa is playing.

The third episode of “Descendants of the Sun” ended with Jae-Young being used as a decoy. This elaborate scheme is what makes this show such an enthralling watch. ..

The mystery around the history between K and Kyung-Yi continues to linger. It’ll be interesting to see what we’re missing from this, as it seems K knows more than she’s letting on.

The show is starting to come together and the humour is starting to shine. This is a good sign for the future as it suggests that the show will be very exciting and entertaining.