The Final Fight

Kyung-Yi’s Master Plan

Kyung-Yi came up with a plan to outsmart Inspector Koo, but Inspector Koo was able to foil her plan. Kyung-Yi is very cunning and she will continue to be so in the future.

Director Yong was eager to see if K would be willing to do anything to get ahead. With K desperate for blood, Kyung-Yi used the public attention on Hyeong-Tae to shield him from K’s murderous intent. Ever since Gyeong-Su handed over the USB to K, Kyung-Yi has been scheming.

Kyung-Yi was never really hurt by the acid, it was all part of the plan. The pictures she snapped were just to make K believe she was Yong Sook.

Kyung-Yi knew that K’s target was Hyeong-Tae, and she managed to stop K before it was too late. K’s not angry though, instead she’s actually impressed that her nemesis has managed to think all of this through.

What happens at the theatre?

The five men and women from the boat gathered with Seong-Tae are quickly escorted out the building while this is going on. The brown teddy bear K placed inside the building, alongside the pillars on the exterior, are all rigged up to blow. Keeping K talking allows Gyeong-Su to escort everyone out, although Seong-Tae is still tied up inside. When Gyeong-Su learns this, he rushes back inside to save him, while Kyung-Yi presses the button and allows the place to blow. Unbeknownst to her though, Gyeong-Su actually happens to be inside a fridge with Seong-Tae, who are both absolutely fine.

Kyung-Yi and K are still holding onto each other, but K has a final twist up her sleeve. Gun-Uk comes storming into the auditorium and holds Santa up at gunpoint. Interestingly, Mr Kim and his goons show up too, along with Yong Sook who confronts them all. It turns out the cops aren’t coming after all, and it was a big ploy to keep them all in this auditorium together.

One Bullet For Three People

Kyung-Yi tries to get close to the director, but K throws a toy bomb at her, detonating it from afar. Je-Hui refuses to be swayed by the Director and calls out for the paramedics. Yong Sook grins and bears the public eye turning to her.

Gun-Uk is shot and begins to bleed out on the ground. Gyeong-Su is there to see him, as Gun-Uk whispers something in his ear. So where’s K? Well, it turns out she’s off with Santa, holding him hostage. She forces him into an abandoned train carriage at gunpoint. Only… they’re not alone. Kyung-Yi is actually in there already. Gun-Uk told her where they’d be. So it all comes down to this, and with one bullet in the gun and the train moving again, this stand-off begins. ..

Who is Santa?

According to reports, Santa is actually Gwang-Uk, Han-Gyeol’s secret boyfriend at school. Kyung-Yi claims that K is lying but it all links together. This is why Santa has been so nice to her all this time. He had ties with her husband Seong-U, and since he passed, Santa has been trying to repent for his actions. Seong-U’s death was all Santa’s fault. K decides to capitalize on this and tries to stop them both, leading to a big skirmish between the trio. ..

In the episode, we learn that all of K’s claims about Santa were a fabrication. Now, either it’s a case that Santa is really clever and has managed to disguise himself well, covering his tracks, or it’s one big mystery we’ll never solve.

What happens between Kyung-Yi and K?

Kyung-Yi and K jump from the train just as a gunshot sounds. Neither are dead though, but as K tries to get away, Kyung-Yi grabs her ankle and brings her in. There’s no escape now, especially as police sirens close in on their location.

K is arrested as the gang reconvene at a big Christmas display, Buncheon Santa Village no less. That is most certainly not a coincidence! K is finally arrested though, leaving with nothing, while Kyung-Yi remains surrounded by her friends. Santa and Kyung-Yi bury the hatchet too, with the former showing up outside with a secret bag full of the “Kyung-Yi special” food that Seong-U used to get for her.

A happy ending?

Je-Hui turns herself in to the police station, handing over a USB stick with incriminating evidence on her role in the operation. Yong Sook is disgraced, arrested and investigated for 17 crimes including murder. Seong-Ta and Hyeong-Tae are also arrested too, with everything looking like it’s on the rise. ..

Kyung-Yi heads over to see Santa and hands over a card for him, claiming that he’s a valued member of their detective agency and part of the family now. Kyung-Yi tells Santa that she’s been looking for him all week and is grateful that he’s come to visit her. Santa thanks Kyung-Yi and tells her that he’ll be sure to bring her some good gifts this year.

Elsewhere, in prison, K hears someone in another cell muttering that they “need to kill him.” Has K found a possible ally here? We’re left to guess on that one!

How does Inspector Koo end?

Kyung-Yi, the actress playing the role of Kyung-Yi, arrives at the detectives’ office to end the episode. The detectives all joke about how much of a slob Kyung-Yi is in reference to her character on the show. This is a lighthearted joke to end things with a wink for good measure. ..

The Episode Review

The finale was very well done. Inspector Koo hasn’t always been on point, but the finale does a great job of tying everything together and bringing the series to a close.

Inspector Koo has done an excellent job in rounding out the story. ..

Kyung-Yi and K have a rivalry that is shown in this episode. Kyung-Yi tries to take over K’s role as leader of the group, but K doesn’t let her.

Kyung-Yi has been planning this event the whole time, and the seemingly random moments have been all tied together into a plot. This makes the final that much more satisfying. The Seong-Tae/Hyeong-Tae story has probably been the weakest part of the show but it is thankfully wrapped up reasonably quickly here. ..

The article discusses the mystery surrounding Santa, and how it has left many fans frustrated. However, Kyung-Yi has had a nice arc which goes some way to excuse that. Either way, the door is certainly left wide open for a possible follow-up!