Track List

A vacant new Heights Radio backseat parachute is a perfect way to enjoy the sounds of the city while in your car. With its comfortable seats and sound system, this parachute will keep you entertained for hours on end.

Honeytalks is a band that reminds listeners of bands such as Green Day and Blink 182. Their music is simple, with catchy hooks, and the band has a lot of charisma. Their music actually has substance, which makes them an enjoyable listen. ..

Over It is an honest and revealing album that takes the listener on a journey through bedrooms littered with love letters. While it may not be a cliched mess, Over It has songs that work together to create a cohesive album. ..

Some people might argue that Honeytalks sounds like other bands trying to stay afloat in the pop punk scene. But, as they strut their stuff and command the room, they do have what it takes to go over the line. ..

But the EP’s real strength is its raw, unyielding feel. It’s a product of the writer and the artist, and it shows in everything from the lyrics to the music. It’s an album that you’ll want to keep on your shelf, because it’s sure to make you think about things in a new light.

Vacant kicks off the record with a bang. It sounds like the band of old, with the bass line providing a wonderful contrast. “New Heights” is a thumping track on a touchy subject and daytime TV. The guitar parts have grooves and are stylish. ..

Radio sounds a lot like Blink 182 of old, and it’s a stellar track. Backseat confirms that this band has attitude, and this track even has punk notes. It also strikes at pessimism. ..

The band is made up of three friends who all grew up in the same town in upstate New York. They all love punk rock and have been playing together since they were kids, but they never really thought it would take off the way it has. Honeytalks is a band that takes snippets from the legends of pop punk and makes them their own.

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