Amerie is determined to get her tickets to Dusty’s gig. She first approaches Ant, but he is still angry about how the map messed up his life and directs her to Spider knowing very well he would never give her a ticket. Amerie is determined to get her tickets no matter what.

The Sexual Literacy Tutorial (SLTs) class is proving to be a rather traditional class and the students find it hard to understand and relate to it. It was hard to watch that noodle video that was supposed to teach the students about the dangers of sharing nudes. Sigh! Teacher Jojo tries to make it more modern but is immediately shut down by the principal. The Principal feels having honest talks about sex is giving the students the wrong impression.

Amerie is trying to get the principal to cancel the class and gets hopeful when the principal promises to consider it. She thinks that cancelling the class will help her get back her social life. She even uses this to try and get the tickets from Spider but unfortunately, the principle refuses to cancel the classes and makes her the teacher’s assistant.

During the SLTs class, Quinn finds the new version of the incest map. Someone is writing under the lockers and she thinks she should tell Amerie about the map but Darren dissuades her. In the meantime, Quinn has her own romantic struggles to deal with, she likes Sasha and it takes her a lot of courage to confess her feelings to Sasha. Sasha likes her too and they go on a date. ..

Quinn and Darren had a date on Saturday night and after dinner they went to a restaurant. Quinn was having some trouble focusing because of the noises in the restaurant and she came back to find Darren helping her. Sasha, who was also at the restaurant, thought Quinn wasn’t interested in her anymore. Quinn then explained that she is autistic. Once the misunderstanding was cleared, they kissed much to Sasha’s delight.

Darren is struggling to get along with their dad, Darren thinks their dad is disappointed they didn’t turn out to be like the boys in his novel. ( Darren’s dad is a writer.) Their dad wants them to chip in around the household since Darren has a job. By the end of the episode, it looks like they have found a common ground. ..

Amerie manages to sneak into Dusty’s party thanks to Malakai who comes to her rescue. She has a sweet moment with Dusty in his bedroom but things don’t go as she had hoped. Dusty ends up dedicating his first song to Harper and Amerie learns they hooked up. She confronts Harper but she refuses to tell her what is going on with her. Amerie ends up going home with Malakai who once again comes to her rescue when she sprains her ankle.

Cash steals the keys to Dusty dad’s car as the party rages on. ..

The Episode Review

The scene in the bathroom was great. Darren helping Quinn calm down and Sasha saying she will educate herself more on autism was also a good scene. The way they approached this storyline was great.

Amerie is so stuck on Dusty that she is missing out on Malakai who is clearly pining for her. I hope she will finally open her eyes. I fail to understand why Harper is not telling Amerie what is wrong. At least she should give her a definitive reason, given how Amerie explained their situation. It is clear that the not knowing part is hurting her.