Breaking In

In episode 6 of Happiness, Tae-Seok experiences this viral outbreak first-hand. When the Prime Minister ends up infected after taking Next, he locks eyes with him. The thing is, he’s also infected Tae-Seok’s wife too, leaving Tae-Seok with plenty of reasons why this infection is personal to him.

Sae-Bom and Yi-Hyun discuss the possibility of someone breaking into the complex. They go to the roof and find Andrew there, watching. ..

Ms Oh argues that she is the only one who can represent the apartment complex in light of its current state. She points to the romantic moment between Sae-Bom and Yi-Hyun as a sign that the two are in love, but she says that their relationship is not a marriage. Ms Oh says that she has been working hard to improve the complex and it is in need of a new representative, but she cannot represent it if her boyfriends are not together.

Joo-Hyeong, after his encounter with Yi-Hyun last episode, heads to the gym. He realizes that this seems to have originated there and questions Seung-Beom, who is still being held captive. When Yi-Hyun shows up, he notices that Seung-Beom is crazed and trying to snatch at Joo-Hyeong. He’s definitely infected but is Joo-Hyeong too? Whether he is or not, he does tell Joo-Hyeong about the Next pills in his car, which Joo-Hyeong grabs later in the episode. ..

Down in the basement, Hae-Sung is lured over to the door by one of the infected, posing as a man in need of legal help. Just before he opens the door though, Sae-Bom rushes down and manages to shut the door, keeping the infected out.

Seung-Beom’s case is a unique one. He took Next but it seems like he only took it twice, making this situation that much more tragic. The residents though are due to vote on whether to kick him out the complex in the morning but for now, things are left quiet and in the eye of the storm.

With four days left of their mandatory lockdown, the group all gather to discuss kicking Seung-Beom out. Sae-Bom makes an impassioned plea against doing this, bringing up COVID and how the infected can’t be held responsible; it’s not their fault they’re infected. The residents are tied to a 9-9 draw… until Se-Hun shows up and votes to keep him inside. With the matter settled, the gang agree to keep an eye on him in shifts. ..

Dong-Hyun learns that he dropped his phone outside in the courtyard. The poor worker from the mart agrees to pick it up for him but in doing so, finds herself cornered by that same infected resident again. She backs up, but he walks forward.

Security guard and resident get inside complex; Soo-Min bitten and infected; Hyun-Kyung scrambles inside gym. ..

Yi-Hyun begins his search for Sae-Bom after learning that she could be in big trouble.

The Episode Review

The outbreak of the Infected has caused a lot of trouble for all of the characters in this novel. In one particularly heartwarming scene, a group of survivors come together to help one another. ..

The vote to throw out Seum-Beom is a clear indication of the divide between those who are compassionate toward the infected and those who are not. It’s accurate to say that, as a Brit, I’m constantly shocked at the number of people who cough without covering their mouths, leave the toilets without washing their hands, and just generally disregard social distancing and mask-wearing when it is mandatory. ..

Dong-Hyun’s focus on his subscriber count and phone rather than the livelihood of those around him leads to the infection breaking out.

Despite the best efforts of the medical staff and the four walls of quarantine, the deadly virus is spreading rapidly outside of these protected confines. Tae-Seok, the man at the center of this pandemic, remains a major threat to all those around him. ..

The preview for next week looks like we’re gearing up for quite the dramatic episode indeed.