The Taste Of Blood

Sae-Bom heads outside to find that the building has been evacuated and the streets are filled with police cars and ambulances. He soon learns that a gas leak caused an explosion, killing many people and injuring many more. ..

Yi-Hyun, the newly infected, communicates with Tae-Seok, asking to take Sae-Bom outside with Seo-Yoon. It’s obvious he’s trying to protect her incase he turns, and Tae-Seok senses something is up. ..

Yi-Hyun and Sae-Bom head to investigate. They find a vial of Next medicine in one of his drawers. The note written on it says “Wrongdoing that he can’t take back.” Could it be that Se-Hoon paid someone to open it up?

The residents of the apartment complex are growing increasingly frustrated with their lack of access to Se-Hoon, and they are starting to take matters into their own hands. Sae-Bom and Yi-Hyun open up the room and allow the residents to share food and drink, but they are also instructed not to let Se-Hoon eat any of it himself. This is in order to ensure that he is able to come home safely and eat his own meal.

As the days grow shorter, Yi-Hyun finds himself struggling with the infection. Sae-Bom senses something amiss and heads outside, where Yi-Hyun is sitting with the radio. Yi-Hyun lies and claims she doesn’t have antibodies in her blood. He also tells her that beyond the cut on his hand, he’s not infected anywhere else. He manages to play it cool for now, but sooner or later he’s going to be found out.

Yi-Hyun and Sae-Bom find the cleaning lady covered in lime and very clearly dead. Sae-Bom immediately confronts Joo-Hyeong, given he’s a doctor. His diagnosis confirms that the woman has been dead for at least two days now. Her neck has been bitten too, meaning one of the infected is to blame. ..

Here’s no proof that Se-Hoon did it, but this seems to be the assumption that everyone is jumping to.

Meanwhile, Young-In takes a turn for the worse. She has a nasty episode and tranquilizers don’t seem to be working. Instead, Tae-Seok immediately jumps on Sae-Bom’s blood sample, deciding to use this and test it on his wife. With little other choice, Kim warns that head office will catch wind of this and grow suspicious. However, Tae-Seok needs more time. Time they really don’t have.

In the wake of the virus’ outbreak, lawyer Hae-Sung’s dirty secret with Sang-Hee is revealed. So-Yoon is understandably disgusted in her partner. However, they still show up for another meeting with the residents. They warn that there could be more infected and decide to start moving in groups. ..

The emergency power is turned back on in the same room where Se-Hoon told Yi-Hyun and Sae-Bom about it in confidence. How did Joo-Hyeong know about this as well?

It’s suspicious but Yi-Hyun takes leave from the others and communicates with Tae-Seok. He’s made a decision. At 1pm the following day, Sae-Bom and Sae-Yoon will meet them down in the underground parking lot and be taken out the complex. Yi-Hyun decides to stay behind and watch over the other residents for the time being. Hearing this, Tae-Seok immediately realizes that the guy has been infected.

Sae-Bom can’t believe her ears when Yi-Hyun tells her that he has the infection. She’s been trying to figure out how he could be infected and she comes up with a few possibilities. The first is that he might have been in contact with the virus while working on the project, but she can’t think of a way to prove it. The second possibility is that he might have contracted it while out at work, but she can’t think of a way to test it. The third possibility is that he might have caught it from his girlfriend, but Sae-Bom can’t think of a way to prove it. She decides to just take Yi-Hyun’s word for it and go back home.

Lieutenant Kim communicates with Sae-Bom and tells her they’ve been doing a background check on those inside the complex. Guk-Jin was found dead in his home… meaning Andrew isn’t actually who he said he was. Se-Hoon is killed and thrown in the storage cupboard. In his rucksack are a whole bunch of lanyards for different residents.

As Sae-Bom watches in horror as the murderer of her friend Hyun-Kook stabs him multiple times, she realizes that this is not the man she thought it was. The man who told her he was a friend and then left her to die.

The Episode Review

As the infected increase in number, it becomes increasingly difficult for the security team to keep up with their investigations. They must worry about who is behind these murders and what they plan to do next.

The infection that Yi-Hyun is infected with is almost certain to manifest in the next two episodes as well, and the other residents are continuing to slip further down into despair. There’s a real rabid sense of every man for themselves and this episode perfectly exemplifies that.

The ending of Happiness has been a thoroughly enjoyable watch though, and it leaves things wide open for where this may go next.