The Gold Watch

Forever Rich is a movie that tries hard to revel in the gritty underbelly of the hip hop scene, but struggles to come across as anything other than a pale imitation. Despite some good acting and a couple of nice character moments late on, Forever Rich is destined to go down as mediocre at best. ..

Richie is on the cusp of becoming a millionaire, with a lucrative deal promising 3 albums in 3 years. It’s a lot of work, something his partner exhibits concerns about. But Rich is unperturbed though, having clawed his way up from the streets to the public eye. He’s not about to throw that away now.

In a life full of risks and adventure, Rich has learned to live for the moment. That night, he’s surrounded by masked muggers in the car park, holding him up to ransom with a machete to his neck. Unfortunately, he has his prized gold watch and belongings stolen. As he starts crying, all of this is recorded and plastered online. In a life full of risks and adventure, Rich has learned how to live for the moment.

Rich set out on a revenge mission to track down the muggers who robbed him of his career. Unfortunately, the muggers have already paid for their crimes and now Rich is struggling to sell tickets and make ends meet. He set out on a mission to find them and make them pay, so that he can get his career back on track.

The second problem is that the film doesn’t really have a story to tell. It jumps from one character’s backstory to the next without much of a connection between them. This makes it difficult to care about any of the characters, and makes it difficult to follow their arcs.

Your main character doesn’t have to be likable, but honestly, you’ll find yourself indifferent with Rich’s mission by the time the final act rolls round.

The third act of this film is a mess. The ending is rushed and leaves big plot holes and question marks surrounding the fate of several characters, along with a conflicting message by the time the credits roll. I’m sure “violence solves all your problems” isn’t what this film is trying to get across, but that’s what we end up with.

Rich does have a good arc throughout the movie. He changes and grows from his experiences, and the final few shots of his face show this well. ..

Richie’s handheld camerawork is often messy and jarring, making it difficult to follow the action.

The film does have some good ideas about fame and the pressures of putting on an online persona, but they are not particularly likable.

There’s not enough to hold your attention here and the crazy twists and turns only serve to keep things watchable to find out how this ends. Unfortunately, this won’t be a film you return to in a hurry. ..

The article discusses the idea of a “forever rich” ending, and how it could be achieved through various means. It explains that there are many ways to achieve this, and that it is not impossible. The article also provides examples of how this could be done, and why it would be beneficial for society as a whole.

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