All The Wild Witches

The scrapers launch an assault across the school, attacking all the kids. Flora is knocked down by Beatrix and Sebastian, and Musa happens to be hiding around the corner. Beatrix whispers for him to go – which he does. As for Flora, she’s taken down to the basement with the other fairies and Specialists.

The attack on Alfea was planned for a long time and as a result, Sebastian now has control of some of the Specialists in the city. ..

Why does Bloom meet with Sebastian?

The group of people converge on the outskirts of town and come up with a plan to fight back against Sebastian and stop the Blood Witches. Sky, who ended up in confinement, busts out when a guard show up.

The gang of Specialists regroups and Silva takes Sky aside to tell him he needs to go back to the groundskeeper’s cabin. Sky doesn’t want to leave, but Silva tells him that without LeRoy’s antidote, he is a sitting duck. Given the school is crawling with Blood Witches, time is of the essence. ..

As Flora and Musa struggle their way through several Specialists, Bloom is in an unenviable position when Sebastian rings from Sky’s phone. He’s under his control and Sebastian demands she sneak out and meet him without telling anyone. With Grey and Sky’s lives hanging in the balance, it seems she doesn’t have much of a choice.

What is Sebastian’s plan?

Beatrix meets with Stella in confidence to discuss what she’s learned about Sebastian. It turns out that she’s been working undercover to find out exactly what he’s been planning. With that familiar magic book in hand, Beatrix points out what the Blood Witches intend to do. ..

Sebastian has been curious about Bloom since he first saw her. He wants to know what could bring her back to life, so he goes to the Otherworld and retrieves the Dragon Flame in order to open the Otherworld’s gate.

After the conduit is opened, the only way to close it is from the other side. And now that Bloom is with Sebastian, and Sky being used as leverage, it looks set to cause serious problems. ..

Bloom reluctantly agrees to use her power to channel inside the crystal so Sebastian can take it in herself. While this is going on, the Specialists and Fairies regroup and prepare to strike. Thankfully, Flora has her own plan. She’s distilling a pheromone of her magic to attract the scrapers to her. She’s going to use Eldwynn to sacrifice herself and kill off all the scrapers at the same time. Terra is shocked when she finds out but it seems this is the only way.

Sebastian tells Bloom about his past. He falls in love with the “stalling for time monologue” shtick, but eventually reveals that Bloom’s mum actually had this same Dragon Flame magic.

Bloom was born in the middle of an ancient war, but her mother lost control and killed thousands, destroying any good will she initially built for herself. Wracked with guilt and passing the burden onto Bloom, she put herself in the Realm of Darkness and, subsequently, allowed Bloom to be stuck in stasis.

Is Sebastian defeated?

Sky is freed from his bindings by Beatrix and she destroys the crystal. Sebastian is livid and uses his own magic to fling her across the room. Beatrix slams her head hard against the floor and a puddle of blood oozes out. She’s dead.

Bloom loses control and begins to conjure her Dragon Flame. Sky is still alive though and that’s enough for Bloom to focus and ease up a bit on her anger. All the fairies use their magic together, sprouting magical wings, and killing Sebastian. I don’t know about you guys but killing Sebastian 4 episodes ago at the diner could have solved a whole lot of problems!

With Sebastian dead, the gang returns to the dorms where they all start eating and discussing what’s happened. They’ve won! Hoorah!

The Blood Witches are all leaving, while Grey has left Alfea and gone back to his parents. They also reflect on Beatrix’s sacrifice and how she managed to redeem herself and help save the day.

How does Fate: The Winx Saga Season 2 end?

That night, Bloom heads down to the basement where she notices a strange swirling mass of magic. It turns out this is actually a conduit to the Realm of Darkness. Sebastian apparently had enough magic to open it before he died. ..

Sky tries to talk Bloom out of what she’s about to do, but it’s no good. She’s even written him a letter to confirm what she intends to do. The group say their goodbyes, and Bloom heads through alone.

Bloom’s mother appears in the morning and tells the other kids that Bloom has written them letters. She also finds a strange castle on the horizon and inside is Bloom’s mother. As they walk to the graveyard, we cut to a shadowy presence watching Stella from afar.

The Episode Review

The second season of Fate: The Winx Saga comes to a close with closure for the main drama involving Sebastian. However, a much larger conflict is on the horizon. Seeing all the kids using their magic together, complete with wings and a callback to the animated series is a nice touch, but it also negates the earlier inner conflict about not actually killing Sebastian. ..

The fact that they just killed Sebastian by killing him outright throws into question why they didn’t just do that earlier.

As for the attack on the school, that’s resolved and Bloom’s Dragon Flame powers are used to close the portal from the other side. I’d imagine if this show is renewed for another season, we’ll see the kids find some form of magic to open the portal to the other side and bring Bloom back. It could also be that Bloom’s mum will be the main antagonist too, setting up another cliched confrontation, this time in the form of parent VS child.

Despite all of the good things that have happened this season, the second one has not been as good as the first. There are a lot of plot contrivance and holes here that are difficult to ignore, and the romance has felt half-baked at best. If there is a third season, we hope it is an improvement over this.