Aarmand Island

The first episode of Elves begins with a cow being led out into the woods. It’s reluctant, unwilling to go further, but it’s tied to a tree as a sacrifice. Strange, snarling creatures come rushing up and maul it to pieces off-screen.

Josefine is a lonely girl, and she’s not the only one. Her family is also away on holiday, and Josefine has no one to share her Christmas with. She longs for the day when she can come back to her own home and be with her loved ones.

The family decides to take the woods instead of the coastal roads after hitting something with black goo on it. Josefine wanders off and one of the locals warns them away because of the black goo. ..

Josefine’s family arrives at their vacation home, but Jose continues to wonder what was behind the fence on the road. While Jose receives a frosty reception from her family, they too get a taste of their own medicine in town. One of the islanders, Karen, implores them to stay on the coastal road next time and to be vigilant. These guys certainly don’t take kindly to foreigners. ..

These warnings don’t stop Josefine though, who sneaks out in the middle of the night. Grabbing her bike, she heads back along the road and decides to check out what may be being hidden in the woods.

Josefine finds a creature in need of help. She wraps it up in a cloth and takes off with the creature cradled in her arms. An ominous roar sounds in the distance as she takes off.

The Episode Review

The show starts off well, with a clichéd family setting out to an isolated area to start a new life. However, the show has a good atmosphere, partly thanks to its Christmas theme. However, it’s not particularly scary yet. Let’s wait and see what the rest of the show brings. ..