Episode Guide

Halloween Apocalypse – Review Score: 2.5/5 War of the Sontarans – Review Score: 4/5 Once, Upon Time – Review Score: 2/5 Village of the Angels – Review Score: 4/5 Survivors of the Flux– Review Score: 1/5

Small-screen sci-fi has been in a rough patch this year. Foundation botched its execution, Invasion was outright boring, and the less said about Another Life Season 2 the better. Even in Korea, Sisyphus: The Myth and LUCA: The Beginning showed up with disastrous storylines with more holes than Swiss cheese.

The showrunners had high hopes for this final season, but instead they delivered a series of lackluster episodes that failed to recapture the magic of the first six. The plot was convoluted and the characters were one-dimensional, making Who an unappreciated classic that is slowly being forgotten.

The showrunners, who are also the creators of Game Of Thrones and Thrones, have been trying to address these issues for years but it seems like they just keep getting worse. The characters are cardboard cutouts with no depth or motivation. The plot is nonsensical and convoluted. The visuals are jarring and often ugly. And the writing is often clunky and uninteresting.

The Flux is a world-ending threat that was released on the world by a maniacal uber-villain known as Swarm. This colourful villain soon teams up with fellow coloured villain Azure. Together they set out to end all of the universe as we know it.

The Doctor and his new companion Dan meet a group of people on their journey to find a cure for a disease that is ravaging the planet. The group includes Dan’s friend, Professor Jericho, Claire, Diane, Bel, Vinder and dog/human hybrid Karvanista. All of these characters are completely underdeveloped with no real purpose or development beyond the bare minimum. There is very little plot or story line to follow and the dialogue is heavy on exposition. The only thing that makes this series worth watching is the cute dog/human hybrid Karvanista.

The showrunner for Doctor Who has a history of creating terrible stories that are difficult to follow. This episode is no different. The plot is convoluted and the pacing is poor.

This season of “Doctor Who” feels like a frustrating experience. Jodie Whittaker does her best with the poor material given to her, but the season as a whole is not very good. ..

This doctor’s morals and ethics are a topic of much discussion in our era, but it is even more evident in this particular story. Many fans have been debating the conclusion to this one, and I will not spoil what happens here. Suffice to say that if you thought the doctor committing genocide was bad, imagine joyously taunting your enemies while you do it. ..

The Doctor Who: Flux series is a terrible series that is worse than all of the other failed tombstones of 2021 sci-fi efforts. It is cynical, rushed, and visual. It hoodwinks its viewers into thinking this is a solid cohesive story. In reality, it is anything but. Unfortunately, Flux solidifies itself as one of 2021’s worst TV shows.

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