Director Jim Archer’s offbeat comedy stars the movie’s co-writers David Earl and Chris Hayward as the odd couple pairing of the title. The film is about two guys who are complete opposites but end up becoming best friends. ..

Brian Gittins is a lonely inventor in rural Wales who spends his days creating quirky contraptions that he hopes will one day improve his fortunes. Unfortunately, his creations, including a ‘flying’ cuckoo clock that he thinks will benefit his neighbours when they want to know the time, rarely behave as they are supposed to.

Charles the Robot comes to life during a thunderstorm.

Brian is hesitant at first, but Charles is adamant. He tells Brian that he wants to leave the farmhouse and move to a new place where he can be his own boss and see the world. Brian is hesitant at first, but Charles is adamant. He tells Brian that he wants to leave the farmhouse and move to a new place where he can be his own boss and see the world.

In the movie, Brian and Charles stay together until the end.

Why does Charles want to leave Brian?

Charles is initially happy with his life and enjoys spending time with Brian. The two play darts together, boil cabbages and watch TV. However, the inquisitive robot soon realises that the world is bigger than the acre of ground that he has become accustomed to after watching travel shows on television. ..

Charles becomes obsessed with Honolulu (or as he calls it, Hono-loop-loop) and tells Brian that he wants to go there so he can do a Hula dance on the beach.

Brian tries to convince Charles not to give up on his robot friend, by taking him on a drive to see the outside world. ..

The two friends are in for a tough time when they’re seen by the teenage daughters of Eddie Tommington, a local bully who terrorizes the local neighbourhood with his awful family. The girls are terrified of him and want nothing to do with them, but the two friends are determined to make things right. They have to work together to get Eddie to stop bullying and make things right for the people in his neighbourhood.

What does Eddie do?

Eddie, a man with daughters of his own, visits Brian to ask about the robot. When Brian tells Eddie that he can’t have it, Eddie becomes angry and pushes Brian to the ground. ..

Brian returns home to find his front door off its hinges. He realises that Charles has gone and has presumably been taken by Eddie.

What does Brian do?

Brian isn’t about to say goodbye to his robot friend. Together with Hazel, a local woman that he has become friendly with, Brian travels to Eddie’s farm to retrieve Charles from the fearsome bully.

Brian meets with Eddie’s mean-spirited wife, and after listening to her complaints about her husband, he finds Charles wrapped up in chains on the farm. When he tells Eddie that he would like his robot back, Eddie refuses. He then tells Brian that he has plans for Charles; plans that will see Brian’s friend come to a horrible end.

What does Eddie intend to do with Charles?

Eddie throws a bonfire party for the local community every year. This year, he has special plans for the bonfire that involve Charles.

Eddie is planning to set fire to Charles in the upcoming bonfire. ..

Brian is horrified by this and after leaving Charles in the hands of the cruel farmer, he heads home with Hazel to come up with a plan to save his tin-pot friend.

Does Brian save Charles from a fiery demise?

The local residents gather at Eddie’s party on the night of the bonfire.

In the cover of darkness, Brian and Hazel manage to pull Charles from the bonfire before he catches fire.

Eddie pursuit them as they make their getaway.

Eddie catches up with them and starts to bully them.

Eddie is shocked when he finds out his invention has been used to attack him. He tries to explain what he was trying to do, but the townsfolk are not interested. They tell Eddie that he is a thief and bully and that he needs to leave town.

After being bombarded with cabbages, Eddie leaves and it can be assumed that the town is now safe from the nasty thug and his equally nasty family. ..

Do Brian and Charles remain together?

Brian may have saved his friend from a horrible death, but they are still not destined to remain together.

Charles accepts that Brian has an adventurous spirit and buys him a travel ticket that will give him the opportunity to see the world.

The movie ends with a goodbye to Charles as he boards a train. During the credits scene, we see pictures of Charles at the various landmarks and cities that he has visited. One of these places is Honolulu where Charles’s Hula dancing dreams come true.

We don’t know if Brian and Charles ever meet again but as Brian has formed a relationship with Hazel, we know that he won’t be the lonely figure that we met at the beginning of the movie.

Brian and Charles are two friends who go to the movies together. They enjoy watching new and old movies, but they also like to discuss them with each other. This movie review will focus on the film “The Great Gatsby”.

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