Broken Friendships

Carsten and Juri are in for a long, difficult battle as they try to prove that Google Earth was stolen from them. But with the help of Carsten’s new friend, Juri, they may just be able to win this case.

Juri tries to answer Eric’s questions but claims he didn’t want to scare Brian off and wanted to secure a meeting with him. ..

In 1994, Carsten was the only one at Google who wasn’t deterred by Brian’s sweet talking. He called out the Google Earth issue, which Brian was quick to give them a favourable ultimatum over. He wanted to collaborate and they could make millions in doing so, if they agreed to the patent rights being handed over. The alternative was fighting in court. ..

The thing is, Brian outright admits to Juri that without Terravision there would be no Google Earth. This is enough for Juri to question this upcoming deal, but Carsten implores them that they need to be careful. Specifically, he wants to get a lawyer but Juri is not so sure. ..

After a long and drawn out process, the patent is finally approved by the American Patent Department. However, at Google’s legal department, they have some reservations about the patent and as a result, Google no longer want to work with them.

Both of them are dumbfounded, but it’s not helped by Juri refusing to mention any of this in all the time he’s been communicating with Brian. Unfortunately, his trust in the man is shaky - and this shaky relationship is something our lawyer, Eric, pounces all over.

Eric questions Juri’s ties to the Chaos Computer Club and his hyperventilation syndrome. Eventually, it all becomes too much for him, and after Juri kicks off against them, he storms out. Both lawyers follow of course, warning Juri that he could come up against these questions in court if he’s not ready. ..

Juri believes that they have crossed a line and decides to walk away, done with rehearsing for now. ..

Lea heads off to tell Carsten the bad news about Juri. After some thought, he realizes that his partner is in Budapest. Eric gets cold feet in the face of all this drama, believing they should pull the plug given their star witness has gone missing. ..

It’s been a long time since we saw Carsten and Juri bicker. Juri figures out that Brian has stolen their code and every aspect of Terravision, deciding to bring lawyers in to fight this case. Carsten however, refuses to indulge him, pointing out they should have got a lawyer years ago.

The patent lawsuit between Google and Apple is a messy business, but Lea though, has faith that they’ll pull through and have a good claim to win.

The two guys never actually entered into an agreement formally, but they did form a collaboration.

Lea and Carsten come to a realization that they have different opinions on the matter of Google, and they eventually reconcile their differences. Juri admits that Carsten giving up is what really hurt him. Now though, they find common ground over their disdain for Google and decide to prepare for the biggest court case of their career. Will their friendship and respect for one another stand the test of time? We shall see.

The Episode Review

Juri and Carsten are struggling to come to terms with their differences in the wake of all the drama. Juri is trying to keep her head while Carsten is trying to figure out what he should do next.

Despite their differences, it seems like the two parties are coming to an understanding at the end of the meeting. This means that the battle against Google is going to be a difficult one. ..

The series does a wonderful job depicting how Google was in taking apart Terravision. Unfortunately, the naivety and trusting nature of both Juri and Carsten comes back to bite them as they realize that Google have essentially screwed them over.

With the finale looming, everything is left on a knife-edge. Who will win the court case? ..