The Web Tightens

In the story, the person who comes to meet Chang-ho in the church is none other than the warden himself! The warden admits to being Big Mouse. When Chang-ho shows him a tarot card, the warden tells him to speak directly. Chang-ho doubts his identity. When the warden shows him a tattoo of Big Mouse’s symbol on his arm, Chang-ho says that the owner wouldn’t wear a leash. The warden is just one of Big Mouse’s dogs.

Jerry goes to visit Mi-ho, and he is not initially in his bed. Mi-ho comes there soon after, and Jerry agrees to testify at Chang-ho’s trial.

In a movie theatre, Mayor Choi watches the documentary about Gucheon. He stops at the photograph of a family and we get a flashback featuring the same young boy from the picture. A car is burning and the small boy is crying out for his grandfather but is held back by others. Gong Ji-hoon arrives and points out that the young boy looks a lot like Mayor Choi. But he had it checked and apparently the boy died soon after. Mayor Choi and Ji-hoon exchange words, each claiming to one-up the other. Then, Mayor Choi gets a call from Chang-ho, who wants him to be a witness to his interrogation by the prosecution the next day. The mayor agrees.

Inmates on death row are having problems with their vision and shivering due to the cold. Desperate for the supplements given by the nurses, some inmates get into a fight with other inmates in their cell. In the cafeteria, the room leader and Chairman Yang talk about how everyone is fighting over the medicines. ..

Han Jae-ho, the head nurse, and the other two VIPs at Gucheon University Hospital are concerned about the side effects of Han Jae-ho’s medicine. The three of them then come face to face with Hyun Joo-hee. She claims they will be fired soon while they are confident the Elder will protect them since they killed a man for him. ..

Chang-ho is warned by the warden not to do anything stupid on the way to his interrogation. ..

The warden looks at nurse resumes for the prison, including Mi-ho’s.

Joo-hee goes to her office at the hospital to find Jung Chae-bong waiting for her. He asks her to help them not get fired, but she says it’s out of her hands. Outside, the other two VIPs ask if she has any idea that they changed the medicine. Chae-bong says no. ..

Mi-ho arrives to be interviewed for the nurse position at Gucheon University Hospital. The head nurse and another nurse from Gucheon University Hospital are also there.

A fight breaks out in the courtyard between the death row inmate and his cellmate. The guards surround him and are forced to stun him with tasers multiple times before he falls down. The alarms bring the nurses out there. Mi-ho starts CPR and manages to save the inmate. The warden is impressed with her skills. ..

The mayor arrives at the interrogation of Chang-ho. Chang-ho starts by saying he wants the drug charges dropped. A flashback shows us it was the mayor who got Chang-ho drugged, while in the present he promises to get the charges dropped. Chang-ho then reveals the recording of him and the warden. Since the warden couldn’t read the tarot card correctly, Chang-ho knows he’s not Big Mouse. ..

Since the warden has been blackmailing and extorting inmates, Chang-ho has advised them to use corruption charges to arrest him. When they have enough evidence, he will give them the rest of the recording. The mayor agrees. Chang-ho also advises them to cover for him so he can continue his search for Big Mouse inside the prison. ..

Ji-hoon watches the entire thing and later tells Prosecutor Choi to do as the mayor tells him.

Chang-ho returns to the prison and notices that the birds he saw earlier are now dropping dead from the sky. The warden puts him into solitary confinement.

Mi-ho is at a hospital when a doctor tells her that the psychopath didn’t test positive for any narcotics. The prison guard who is there with her, tells her that she got the job. The guard, who is a prominent face often seen in a commanding position, gets a call from Choi Do-ha. While he’s away, Mi-ho draws a blood sample from the sleeping inmate. She later hands it to someone else.

Chang-ho is now living in a room with other inmates. The room leader, who is in charge of the inmates, has given Chang-ho food and told him that Mi-ho is now working at the prison. ..

As the warden shows Mi-ho around, the two quickly realize that they have a lot in common. Mi-ho knows the warden is Big Mouse’s right-hand man, while the warden knows that Mi-ho has information about Professor Seo’s paper. ..

Chang-ho meets with the warden and angrily tells him to let Mi-ho go from the prison. After an argument, they settle on a game of 21 questions. Chang-ho asks why Big Mouse wants to know about Seo Jae-young’s paper. Warden replies it’s because someone that Big Mouse cared about died due to the paper. Warden asks him what is in the paper and Chang-ho replies that it is about the blood taken from the inmates at the prison. He refuses to answer any more questions.

Mi-ho and Chang-ho meet and Chang-ho begs her to leave the job. But she insists that she is the only one who can help him get the inmates’ blood out of the prison.

Prosecutor arrives and arrests warden on blackmail and extortion charges. Ji-hoon doesn’t seem bothered. As warden is taken away, Mi-ho and Chang-ho observe inmates and try to look for anyone looking worried or frustrated. ..

Later, Chang-ho is called from the cafeteria as the acting warden wants to meet him. He goes to the VIP room to find Mayor Choi seated there. The prison guard from before, Gan Soo-chul, enters. He is now the acting warden. Chang-ho thanks the mayor who says that he still doesn’t fully trust Chang-ho and won’t until he brings in the real Big Mouse.

Joo-hee drives and sips on her drink as she thinks about what happened with Chang-ho. She begins to feel lightheaded and dizzy, like she’s been hit by a wave.

The mayor tells Chang-ho that Gan Soo-chul will take care of everything he needs. They then hear about Joo-hee’s accident and the mayor rushes out. ..

Later, Chang-ho walks Mi-ho out and they talk about killing two birds with one stone — Big Mouse and Mayor Choi. A flashback takes us back to when Mi-ho got the dead patient’s blood analysed at the NFS. Since the mayor was with her at the time, Chang-ho says that if the results are manipulated that means the mayor was involved. Mi-ho gets the results and sees that they are indeed manipulated. She conveys the same to Chang-ho.

The team discusses how Big Mouse is now attacking Choi Do-ha. Chang-ho believes that the mayor will retaliate and in the process, they can catch both of them. ..

The Episode Review

This week’s episode of Big Mouse had us on the edge of our seats as we learned more about the Warden’s role in all this. We were also able to see some great twists and turns that made for an exciting ride.

The next spotlight seems to be on the prison guard, Gan Soo-chul, who is now acting warden. While he wasn’t really a suspicious character before, Soo-chul was definitely present at the more pivotal moments in the show. It’s intriguing to now see him move from background to foreground.

The real Big Mouse is Choi Do-ha, which means that as ingenious as Chang-ho and Mi-ho’s plan is, the chances of it going wrong are sky high.

Episode 10 continues to be packed with events that captivate the viewer. The stakes are higher than ever and almost every character seems to have something up their sleeve, which is thrilling. ..