The Witchfinder

Kane tells Maghra that she needs to be convincing when the wedding is held and that she needs to show everyone that she’s in love.

As the sun sets, Baba Voss and Haniwa continue on their journey to Pennsa. They reflect on what has transpired thus far, and Tamcti and Paris wind up talking too. The former is well aware of what lies ahead for him at Pennsa, while the latter is undoubtedly vital to his survival for the time being. As the sun sets, Baba Voss and Haniwa come to a conclusion about what needs to be done next. They will continue on their journey to Pennsa, but they will also keep Tamcti and Paris alive in order to provide them with essential intel.

Baba Voss is in a bad way and needs a healer in the valleys. Tamcti Jun won’t join them because he’s done bad things to them in the past, so they’ll camp nearby until they return. ..

Baba Voss, the leader of the nomadic band of raiders, takes John by the arm and leads him away from the others. “Death must be earned just as much as life,” he says. ..

Meanwhile, in Edo, the Queen’s first Witchfinder has defected and revealed crucial information about the city’s sighted. Disillusioned with the current state of affairs, he wants to serve Edo and help avenge the fallen. ..

Unfortunately, he also spills the truth about Haniwa being sighted and part of the royal family. This immediately alarms Edo, who walks away thinkingfully. Wren however, can only watch from afar in horror.

Kofun is not happy about the upcoming wedding. He bursts into the royal chambers and learns that Maghra is going to tell all about it. He’s frustrated and in the dark for now. Maghra shuffles away, leaving him teary-eyed.

As the day progresses, Kofun grows more and more suspicious of Kane. She starts to distance herself from her son, telling him she won’t let him fall into harm’s way again. But as the night draws near, Kane returns to Kofun’s chambers and kisses him on the lips once more. This time, he seems content with what he’s seeing. Kane knows she can get what she wants from Kofun, and that’s why she’s doing this - to take advantage of his vulnerabilities.

Unknown to her, Haniwa is actually safe and Harlan and Kerrigan agree to smuggle him out of Trivanti territory for Maghra as a wedding gift. ..

As the episode closes out, there’s a really touching moment between Paris and Tamcti Jun. In a field of broken wind turbines, sticking up like renewable graves, Tamacti Jun recounts the horrific story of how Queen Kane killed his mother and child.

The protagonist of the story can’t seem to remember the faces of his own family, but he remembers all the people he’s slaughtered. This sheds light on his character and how he justifies his actions. ..

The gang leaves the valley, and with Baba Voss now healed up, the group prepares to travel to Pennsa.

The Episode Review

This week’s chapter was a bit of a letdown, delivering little to no new information about the plot and instead focusing more on the characters. We see a little more about Tamcti Jun (who I’m guessing they’re setting up for a heroic death as some sort of redemption y the end) while Maghra and Lord Harlan get married. There wasn’t anything particularly exciting or interesting happening in this chapter, which left me feeling disappointed.

The fourth episode of “Stranger Things” was largely forgettable and felt like it was meant to placate fans who were upset that the show wasn’t released in its entirety at once. ..

See has been an average post-apocalyptic tale so far, and this episode doesn’t do much to change that. Hopefully next week can spice things up a bit. ..