
Angela Black is in a psychiatric ward for 28 days.

Angela confronts the possibility that she may have used a book as inspiration for her character, Ed, in this episode of the show. She mentions that the book wasn’t folded on the bottom of the page when she read it, something she does religiously whenever she reads.

Angela’s story is compelling, but her claims about Olivier are unfounded. He has been manipulating her for years before this season started, and it seems like he has been doing it more recently.

In flashbacks, we see Angela’s mother dying and seeking absolution. However, Ed prevents Angela from seeing her. He points out how she abandoned her as a child and doesn’t deserve any attention. According to Ed, Angela has more important responsibilities now. ..

Angela eventually agrees with Ed’s assessment, refusing to pick up calls from her mother. Unfortunately, she then receives the horrific call from hospital that she’s passed away. Now, the minute her mother passes away, Angela’s child stops crying completely. Angela sees this as a sign and begins to grow paranoid, believing that something has changed in their child. ..

Angela struggles to open up about her experiences with Olivier. She is determined to get out and agrees to take whatever medication is given her way. This allows her to be checked up on once a week, but the check-up still leaves her feeling anxious and uncomfortable.

The big meeting between Olivier and Angela goes ahead, where we learn that Angela has been reduced to seeing her kids for four hours a week as she’s been branded a danger to them. Irate and upset, a crushed Angela heads back to Judy’s place, where her sketch of Ed shows up in a package. ..

Angela goes to meet Ed Harrison, the team’s captain, to ask him about the initials. He tells her that they’re connected to a football team and that he’s been following their progress. Angela is surprised and excited to hear this and asks him about the team.

The Episode Review

Angela Black’s bingo card features an image of “Ed Harrison actually being real and not a fictional character.” However, it is still unknown just what the real play is here. As I’ve mentioned before, I’m convinced that Ed is obsessed with Angela and wants to be with her, sabotaging her awful relationship with Olivier by fabricating that he’s trying to take the kids away. Given Angela’s history of paranoia and depression, that may have been easy for him to manipulate her.

This episode also shows the extent of Olivier’s awful, controlling behaviour which subsequently pushes Angela to a mental breakdown. It’s a pretty grim reveal and these flashes work well to reinforce that Angela is not in the right headspace at all.

The show seems to be dragging its feet on this story. I could easily have wrapped up this one in 4 episodes but there’s just not enough substance to sustain this one. For example, how many sharp editing, overlapping different camera shots, did we need in this episode?

It’s disappointing that Angela and Olivier’s meeting didn’t take place properly off-screen. This feels like a missed opportunity to be honest, especially seeing Angela’s hope fade from her face.

Angela Black’s latest novel, “Watchable,” is still a bit of a mystery, but the author seems to be keeping things interesting. Hopefully, the next chapter will provide more clarity.