How does Andrew meet Domino and Lola?

Andrew is excited to finally be able to spend time with his family and meet new people. When he takes Lola to the bat mitzvah, he meets Domino and her autistic daughter, Lola. Andrew is excited to finally be able to spend time with his family and meet new people.

Andrew impresses Domino when he’s able to get Lola on the dance floor. In fact, he’s able to get pretty much everyone dancing. His efforts don’t go unnoticed; he’s granted the position of official party starter for all the season’s bar/bat mitzvahs. ..

Does Domino have a miscarriage?

Andrew goes to the women’s bathroom and finds Domino bleeding heavily. She tells him she was in the bathroom when she saw a man leave and that he took her purse.

Andrew and Lola spend the night together, bonding over their shared experiences in the city. Andrew hangs out with Domino, who helps him clean up after Lola and himself.

That night, Domino tells Andrew about her fiancé, Joseph, a lawyer who is often working on cases out of town. She also says that what she experienced wasn’t a period–it was a miscarriage. Domino asks Andrew not to tell anyone about what happened.

“Then, out of the blue, she kisses him.” Andrew feels like he doesn’t want this and pulls away.

Does Andrew become Lola’s babysitter?

Andrew is offered a job as a sitter for Lola, Domino and Joseph. He accepts, but the job only brings him dangerously closer to Domino.

Why is Andrew struggling post-graduation?

Andrew wants to save money to go to Barcelona so he can be with the girl he likes. Soon, however, he finds out that Maya has found someone else.

Working as a party starter and as a cashier at a fast food chain isn’t exactly where he wants to be in his life. And his tendency to drink on the job doesn’t help things. ..

Andrew’s job provides outreach to kids whose parents have ALS, which starts to look up when he gets a job. ..

Do Andrew and Domino fall for each other?

Andrew and Domino meet at a bar one night. Drunk, Andrew asks Domino why she’s marrying Joseph. Domino says she wants commitment, but Andrew thinks she needs a soulmate. ..

He then falls and cuts himself, so Domino takes him to her house and cleans him up. She tells him she doesn’t want him to be Lola’s sitter anymore. He should be able to enjoy his 20s. They share a kiss, but Domino ushers him out the back door when Joseph gets home early.

What happens with Andrew’s family?

Andrew, upset with how Domino kicked him out, takes it out on his brother David. He gets drunk at his next bar mitzvah and is rude to Joseph when he arrives with Lola (no Domino). When Lola gets bullied by some kids, Andrew intervenes.

Andrew’s stepdad, Greg, steps in and punches the man.

Later, the family bonds over Greg’s heroic moment, and Andrew apologizes to his brother. He also realizes that Greg is good for his mom. ..

Does Domino choose Andrew over Joseph?

That night, Andrew went to see Domino while Lola and Joseph were still at the party. He told her that he loved her and that she shouldn’t marry Joseph. He wanted her to be happy. ..

“I am happy,” Domino says. “Yes, I feel special with Andrew–but that’s because he represents possibility.” She tells him he’s 22. He deserves more than what she can give, and he needs to figure out who he is.

Joseph wants to marry Domino. He’s just scared because his first wife left.

Andrew then realizes that, like with his mother and Greg, Joseph is the one who will help Domino the most. ..

Andrew is leaving and Joseph catches him. Andrew apologizes, but Joseph is kind. He thanks him for taking care of Lola, and of his family. Andrew cries in his car on the way home.

What does Andrew do with his life?

Andrew has decided to move out of his mom’s house. He doesn’t want to stay close to Maya, but he’s going to live his life the way he wants.

How does ‘Cha Cha Real Smooth’ End?

Andrew and Domino get to have one last conversation as they wait in the carpool line to pick up David and Lola from school. Domino admits that she has a hard time accepting that her whole life will be defined by Lola and Joseph. But Andrew, she says, just has Andrew. He can take the time to just figure things out.

Andrew tells her that he still thinks he’s one of her soulmates. But he also thinks that Joseph is one too. They say goodbye. ..

Six months later, Domino and Joseph get married. Meanwhile, Andrew is partying. He’s enjoying his 20s, just as Domino instructed him to.

In Cha Cha Real, a smooth and stylish movie, the story follows two young lovers as they navigate the ups and downs of their relationship. The film is well-made and well-acted, with a strong message about love and relationships.

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