Herbal Tea

Mu-Deok’s father was killed, and she watched as he was killed. She was in shock, and her tears stung her face.

The young girl was approached by Jin-Mu, who actually offered to train her. He took her out to the dark recesses of the mountains, where she trained and honed her skills.

Naksu, the girl who returned from the dead, is now returning to Danhyanggok, the place where she died. This is poetic justice, as Danhyanggok is also where Mu-Deok, Naksu’s original self, lived. ..

Jang Uk and Mu-Deok head to the cabin but the latter can smell chicken. It turns out it’s actually being cooked at a cabin nearby, as it soon becomes apparent someone else is staying there. There’s even dog outside too. Jang Uk queries Mu-Deok whether this is an elaborate ploy from Mu-Deok to set up a home for them. She’s quick to write off that idea though!

The leader of Jinyowon gathers the mages of Daeho to hold a Unanimous Assembly. Aside from Jang Gang and his family, all eleven convene together and have a big meeting. This is all in preparation for the upcoming duel between the Crown Prince and Jang Uk.

The families gather together to hear that Uk has been stripped of his title. As he’s had a lot of teachers, some of which sitting around the table, they write off Uk’s abilities and claim he has no power. Park Jin speaks up though and decides to shoulder the humiliation for Songrim should Jang Uk lose this duel. ..

The owner of the cabin in Danhyanggok, learning from his faithful mutt that there’s a soul shifter inside, thanks the dog for his help. The soul has no malice right now and wouldn’t have been able to see her if it didn’t have the dog’s help.

Just before using his powers to kill her, he thinks twice. When he turns around, he finds Jang Uk standing before him with his sword. He removes the bracelet and lunges at the guy. However, the stranger effortlessly shrugs our protagonist off and easily thwarts him with magic of his own.

Jang Uk refutes the guy’s questions and calls for Mu-Deok to flee. She does not, and this conflict spills over in the morning.

Jang Uk and Mu-Deok argue about this guy, but eventually they come to the conclusion that he is married to one of them. He is a powerful individual with a lot of skills, and he seems like he would be perfect for their marriage.

Jang Uk is shocked to learn that drinking from the pot of tea lowers sexual libido. He believes the guy is lying and as for Mu-Deok, she realizes this mage is the infamous Hemp Master Lee. He too has cut off his libido to focus more on magic.

Jang Uk thinks it’s a good idea to follow suit and tell Mu-Deok that “impotence is a small sacrifice.” Mu-Deok is frustrated and slams his fist down on the table; the bowl flies across and smashes Jang Uk in the face. Despite blood trickling down her face, she smiles warmly as she realizes this is his Chisu energy trickling out.

While this is happening, Yul seems to find a spirit plaque after chasing a wagoner. Park Jin tasks him with finding out for certain whether it’s actually his or not. ..

Jin-Mu continues to scheme, deciding to move Kil Joo’s soul into a eunuch shortly. Interestingly, Jin-mu has a soul ejector he could use too. ..

Jang Uk is back with Master Lee, and he continues to learn under the guidance of the master. He encourages Jang Uk to learn properly, pointing out that his last pupil went off and worked at an infirmary. And that guy? It’s Heo Yeom! Small world indeed!

Mu-Deok is in town looking for information on Jang-Uk. Unfortunately, she runs into Kil-Joo and his men who are suspicious of her because she doesn’t have a blue mark. Only, she doesn’t have a blue mark because she’s not Naksu. This throws Kil-Joo off her scent and he leaves. ..

The Crown Prince and Mu-Drok come to an agreement that the prince will fight Jang-Uk, but only if Mu-Drok agrees to stay away from him from now on.

Yul and Dang-gu arrive at Danhyanggok intending to find out about this Spirit Plaque. On the way though, Yul finds the spot that he and Mu-Deok shared in the past and reminisces. Speaking of which, Mu-Deok and Jang-Uk do eventually show up but when they do, Mu-Deok is still drunk from her encounter with the Prince and falls into Yul’s arms.

Back at the palace, Park Jin learns that an unknown guy has broken through the barrier and is currently at the gates. It’s Master Lee! He’s shown up to see Yeom and asks for his help, presumably with the corpse he earlier escaped with that floated down-river. This one is also petrified like the others we’ve seen. ..

As the episode ends, Mu-Deok reflects on an old tree she’s fond of from her past. She was able to ascend when she was Naksu, thanks to Jang Uk’s help. Jang Uk promises to help her ascend to Chisu level in order to make this a reality.

The Episode Review

The show has a unique style that is starting to show up more and more. It’s a live-action version of Demon Slayer and Avatar, but it has its own flair and style. This is something that we’re starting to see more of now that we’re five episodes in.

Alchemy of Souls is a great show with deep, rich lore. However, it does also complicate matters, especially with four different families and lots of interpersonal drama. ..

It seems that Naksu’s father may have actually been killed for something to do with prophesying Jang Uk’s birth or a significant element of his life going forward, especially if constellations are involved.

This episode does little to advance the development plot, but it does introduce a new character, Master Lee, who is likely to be an important player in the future. ..

This weekend’s events are sure to keep you on the edge of your seat, and we can’t wait to see what happens next.