A Bolt Of Lightning

In the latest episode of Alchemy of Souls, Yeom treats the Soul Shifter. This means that there is no way back for them once they’ve started running wild, which is something that Mu-Deok needs to be concerned about. Given how we left her in the last chapter, her fate is hanging in the balance. ..

Jin-Mu is worried about the sky becoming darker, threatening a storm. Given it was the skies that brought them the ice stone, he’s concerned that it could take that same magic away.

A new development has arisen in the constellation basin - it seems that Mu-Deok, who was thought to be okay, is actually behind the disturbance. It’s likely that the water in the basin has stirred her powers up, as her father was also a constellation mage. ..

A bolt of lightning suddenly smashes down and strikes the basin. Jang-Uk pulls Mu-Deok aside, but he realizes the dark energy is bad news and urges her to leave. With the doors shut, the only solution is for Jang-Uk to bring “his savior” in. And that is, of course, the Crown Prince.

Jin-mu notices the cracked constellation basin and immediately sets to work trying to find Jang-Uk and Mu-Deok. He also tasks for the Eunuch’s body to be moved to the secret room. ..

Jang-Uk presents himself to Jin-Mu and tells him about the jade stone, which he says is connected to the Crown Prince. Jin-Mu is hesitant to believe him, but allows Jang-Uk to show him the stone. After looking at it for a while, Jin-Mu decides that it is definitely real and worth buying.

Jin-Mu finds himself in hot water when the Crown Prince questions him about the Eunuch and his plan to kill Uk. Jin-Mu claims this was a “big misunderstanding” but in saying the words, notices Mu-Deok with her blindfold on and experiences flashes to moments on the lake in the past.

Jin-Mu tells the story of how he and his friends, Park Jin and Jang-Uk, made up a story to save their own hides after finding out that Jang-Uk was trying to make excuses after destroying the constellation basin. Jin-Mu points out that this is one, big “absurd” lie.

Park Jin is not convinced and wants to search the halls for Eunuch Kim. Only then will it resolve this squabble. But unfortunately, a big spanner is thrown in the works when Eunuch Kim himself comes into the room, perfectly fine. Given he shows up with Jin Ho-Gyeong, a brief flashback confirms that the ice stone was used to bring him back. ..

Jang-Uk decides not to argue and admits he lied the whole time with Mu-Deok, putting on a flamboyant display until Park jin smiles thinly and tells the others that Jang-Uk will be punished severely for this. This was, of course, a big display to get them out of there in one piece.

Park Jin tells Jang-Uk outside that he believes his story, knowing that Cheongbugwan are definitely hiding something. Park Jin believes that the Cheongbugwan should keep an eye on Jin-Mu in the meantime. ..

The Crown Prince of the kingdom wonders just how Chisu could have been used to destroy the basin and whether Jin-Mu is really being truthful about everything, especially when he notices Jin-Mu has his sword and Jang-Uk does not.

Interestingly, Dang-Gu and Yul are tasked with joining the Songrim laborers to head across to Cheonbugwan later on in the episode. As a peace offering, Park Jin has offered to fix the basin but also has an ulterior motive here. He wants them to keep an eye on Jin-Mu.

Jang-Uk is on probation, but he chuckles and compares it to a vacation, especially when Maidservant Kim asks. Of course, they need to keep up pretences for Cheongbugwan. Hemp Master Lee is there too, and Mu-Deok convinces Jang-Uk to head off with him and go fishing – especially after hearing a story about an infamous golden fish.

Master Lee points out that this golden fish works off controlled bursts of energy through their rods. And it doesn’t take long for Lee to catch one of the fish. As he smiles, Lee points out that only masters of Chisu and above can fish for this. Mu-Deok eventually translates Lee’s cryptic words, confirming that the real reason he’s there is so he can master Chisu.

Meanwhile, Lady Jin speaks to Park Jin at Jinyowon and notices his attitude and demeanour toward Cheongbugwan and Soul Shifters has changed. Park Jin is concerned over what this means but at least one good thing comes from this meeting – Cho-Yeong and Dang-Gu continue to flirt and get along swimmingly!

So-I is a mysterious figure who has been shrouded in secrecy for years. She is the long lost daughter of Bu-Yeon, who was thought to have died in a car accident. So-I has been kept hidden by her family and friends for years, but now that the time has come for her to play a role in this game, they are ready to unveil her true identity.

Meanwhile, the Cheongbugwan mages get angry and irritated at Songrim refusing to leave until the basin is absolutely perfect. Jin-Mu quizzes Yul and Dang-Gu about their methods and when they mastered Chisu, clearly wanting to see if either of them were with Jang-Uk earlier in the episode. So-I happens to be listening from afar and recognizes Yul. However, another mage warns her not to get involved and that he’s “out of her league”.

Jang-Uk is confident that he’ll beat his opponent, Hemp Master Lee. He’s worked with Seo Yul, who is a skilled fighter. However, there are extra stakes at play in this duel. The winner of the duel will also win Mu-Deok as their maid. And the person fighting Uk? None other than Seo Yul.

The Episode Review

As we enter the business end of this season, the plot thickens. Jin-Mu has been working hard to keep his secrets and his empire running, but as the episode progresses we see how he will go to great lengths in order to keep things running. This sets up an intriguing conflict to come in the future, as well as plenty of question marks over the fate of Jang-Uk and the others.

The big reveal at the end of the chapter, that Yul will be fighting Jang-Uk, raises the stakes even higher and leaves everything hanging in the balance over exactly who will come out of this on top.

This chapter is veering more towards the serious side, given the conflict and what everyone is fighting for. ..

With Jin-Mu still to use his trump card and Jang-Uk about to face the biggest challenge of his young life, tomorrow’s episode looks like it’s going to be an unmissable chapter!