
Is Haida guilty of fraud?

Director Himuro is concerned about the accuracy of Retsuko’s financial records. Ton immediately starts to question Haida’s motives. Is she trying to manipulate the director or something more sinister?

Retsuko Kabae is a master of company gossip and has a knack for uncovering juicy intel by climbing through the vents. ..

Retsuko and Fenneko are able to access Haida’s computer and copy the files onto a USB drive. However, this confirms that Haida is definitely involved in fraudulent activity. When Retsuko tries to confront him about this, he brushes it off and refuses to engage.

Operation: Get Haida’s USB Stick

The five Haida women team up to gather evidence to back up their claims that their leader, Kabae, keeps hidden real account books in his office. This comes in the form of USB sticks that he keeps in a safe. The evidence they gather will help them prove their case against Kabae and his team.

If Haida submits these files before the gang can stop him, there will be no hiding from the public backlash. There are only three days until the financial statements need to be submitted, so the pressure is on. ..

The operation goes ahead, with a fake auditing team brought in to make Haida sweat. When he opens the safe to grab the stick, the combination is uncovered, allowing Retsuko to sneak in and grab the stick from the safe when he puts it back. Fenneko distracts Haida but Tsubone blows their cover, mentioning how there’s no audit. However, Retsuko gets away with the files.

That night, Haida runs into Ton, who brings the guy to the karaoke bar. Retsuko is there and calls Haida out for the window dressing fraud. Haida takes full responsibility for his actions and decides not to incriminate Himuro. Because Himuro saw him as a scapegoat (dressed up with compliments and “faith” in him helping the company go forward) Haida doesn’t see the damage he’s done. That is, until Retsy slaps him in the face.

How does Retsuko save the day?

Haida heads back to see the President and decides he can’t go ahead with lying to fix the company finances anymore. Himuro demotes Haida. Himuro is calling the shots and he nonchalantly confirms that someone else will just take Haida’s place.

When Retsuko shows up and knocks them both out the window with her singing (saved by the window cleaner outside of course), Himuro’s leadership is called into question and he voluntarily steps down. The former president returns too, as do Kabae and Ton, who are reinstated to their old positions. The company is back how it was… but for one big difference. Haida has quit. ..

Why did Haida continue to commit fraud?

Ton’s technophobia and refusal to adopt any of Haida’s good ideas has always been typified by Haida. With Himuro finally acknowledging his work, Haida did everything he could to try and cling to that bit of power – even if it was steeped in corruption and fraud.

In Aggretsuko Season 4, the main characters must face a new threat.

As the episode ends, we catch up with Haida who looks much healthier now. Out in the streets, Haida and Retsuko catch up and notice Tadano doing really well for himself on a big monitor. Instead of bitter resentment or jealousy, Haida simply smiles and congratulates him for his good work.

The Episode Review

In the fourth season of Aggretsuko, the company comes back to its old form after a long hiatus. The final episode sees all the big plot points come together and the company back to how it was before.

On the other hand, it’s a bit of a letdown that the focus is now on Haida and Retsuko, who have been so close for so long and now seem to be on separate paths.

The final episode of the season undoes some of the good work done in previous episodes. With both Ton and Kabae back in their jobs, the resignations and them both finding their own purpose in life is diminished somewhat. However, that may be a little premature to say given we haven’t actually seen how either of these are at work, so we’ll have to wait and see what happens in the future.

The big themes around corruption, fraud and ruthless work culture continue to be the highlight of this season though. The facts about depression in those aged between 40-60 is pretty damning and there’s definitely some work done to touch on that depression. Did anyone else think Ton may have stepped out in front of that train during the middle of the season?

This series has been full of tension and suspense as the two main characters, Retsuko and Haida, have not been able to get along. However, at the end of the series, they finally come to an understanding. There is still much to be resolved in this relationship, but the series ends on a high note with promise for the next season.