But what makes a rom-com so special is the way that the story is told. The protagonist and the antagonist are usually pitted against each other in a battle for control of the narrative, and as a result, the story often feels like it’s constantly moving forward. This creates an intense sense of anticipation and suspense, which is why rom-coms are so popular.

However, romantic comedies have only been around since 1924, and they have evolved over the years into what we know today as ‘rom-coms’. ..

Comedies of manners

This type of movie was often about a middle-class person who falls in love with someone who is not from their social class, and the two of them go on a journey to find common ground. The most famous example of this type of movie is the 1939 classic The Great Gatsby.

In the 1930s, this trope was popular because people were facing many financial struggles and it helped to give people hope that money isn’t everything after all.

Screwball comedies

The screwball comedies of the 1940s and early ‘50s were characterized by their fast-paced, slapstick humor and clever writing. These films were often about people who are out of their depth or who make mistakes that lead to humorous consequences.

The women in the story are the main possessors of wit, and this is also a nod to their social situation. The 1930s were a time of much turbulence for women’s rights advocates and the feminist movement.

Despite the progress women have made in recent years, the female-centric approach to rom-coms persists. ..

Sex comedies

Next up, there were the so-called “sex comedies”, which spanned from the ‘50s to the early ‘70s. These movies focused on sexual tension and the differences between men and women, usually by casting them as professional rivals who were in a fierce competition with one another until sparks started flying (e.g., the 1960 film, The Battle of the Sexes). In short, it was the early days of the ‘enemies-to-lovers’ trope in cinema.

This subgenre of erotic writing deals with the exploration of women’s sexuality in the era leading up to and during the women’s rights movement.

In 1953, Playboy magazine began its journey into the world of women as sexual beings. Society was becoming more acceptant of women as beings with a sexual appetite, and the film industry was becoming more lenient with censorship. The world was ready to see women in a new light.

Radical romantic comedies

The sexual revolution of the 1970s brought about a new style in romantic comedies – “radical romantic comedies.” The “happily ever-after” was no longer a requirement, as people were beginning to look at romance with a more cynical and sex-driven eye, and wanted to focus on self-love and fulfillment. ..

In 1977, a popular movie focused on personal happiness was Annie Hall. This movie was about a woman who is happy with her life and doesn’t need love to be happy.

Neotraditional romantic comedies

The neotraditional romantic comedy genre has undergone a full-turn in recent years, with movies focusing more on compatibility and communication than on sex. This shift is seen as a return to the traditional values of love, which was once put on a pedestal. ..

In recent years, movies of the romantic comedy genre have begun to reference other films in order to create a sense of continuity. For example, in Sleepless in Seattle (1993), the film references An Affair to Remember (1957) and The Graduate (1967).

The rom-com fatigue

In recent years, there has been a trend for romantic comedies to have a more cynical spin on the love story. This is in part because compromising and communicating are still very important values, but it is also more common for these films to not end in the classic ‘happily ever-after’.

However, the 2000s and 2010s have been afflicted by the so-called ‘romantic comedy fatigue’ – that is, people are growing tired of them. Rom-coms are overall becoming less and less popular, so much so that it is hard to find more than one in any list of upcoming movies. And what’s even rarer is finding a good one. ..

However, there are a few independent films that are doing well too – some of which have been praised by critics and audiences alike. These films may not be as flashy or well-known as the Marvel movies, but they are definitely worth your time and money. There is a lot of great cinema out there, and it’s worth your time to check it out. There are plenty of great independent films that you can enjoy, without having to worry about spoilers or big budget productions. ..

The popularity of romantic comedies has decreased in recent years, with studios not making as many and not investing as much money into them. This is likely due to the fact that they are barely breaking even, so why risk it? ..

This shift away from romantic love may be good for society as a whole, as it may help to break down the barriers that have been preventing people from getting along. It could also help to create more understanding and empathy between different groups, which could lead to better relationships.

The rom-com landscape is becoming more and more desolate as years go by. However, independent and self-love are still important topics to explore in media. This is especially true when it comes to healthy romance, which is why I sigh when I see it become less and less common.

So, maybe it’s time for a new rom-com to come and sweep us off our feet by showing us someone being swept off their feet! After all, love may supposedly be everywhere, but I think we need to bring it back to the big screen. ..

Do you think romcoms are no longer the big money-maker they once were? Or are you a sucker for a good romance? Do let us know in the comments below!

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